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kein Sänger bringt derart intensiv Textinhalte zum Ausdruck wie Van the Man.Diese Lyrics sind für Morrison-Verhältnisse fast zugänglich, was vielleicht an der optimistischen Stimmung liegt in der er sich damals befand.
Genial wie Van hier mitten im Song den Musikfluß unterbricht und spricht "Wait a minute, Wait a minute" dann Flüstert "listen, listen,listen, listen" und dann wieder mit dem nächsten Vers fortfährt.
Solche fesselnden Elemente kenne ich nur von ihm, da kommt keiner sonst ran.
Van Morrison - And The Healing Has Begun
And we`ll walk down the avenue again
And we`ll sing all the songs from way back when
And we`ll walk down the avenue again and the healing has begun
And we`ll walk down the avenue in style
And we`ll walk down the avenue and we`ll smile
And we`ll say baby ain`t it all worthwhile when the healing has begun
I want you to put on your pretty summer dress
You can wear your Easter bonnet and all the rest
And I wanna make love to you yes, yes, yes when the healing has begun
When you hear the music ringin` in your soul
And you feel it in your heart and it grows and grows
And it comes from the backstreet rock & roll and the healing has begun
I want you to put on your pretty summer dress
You can wear your Easter bonnet and all the rest
And I wanna make love to you yes, yes, yes and the healing has begun
We`re gonna make music underneath the stars
We`re gonna play to the violin and the two guitars
We`re gonna sit there and play for hours and hours when the healing has begun
Wait a minute, listen, listen,
I didn`t know you stayed up so late.
I just got home from a gig and I saw
you standing on the street.
Just let me move on up to this window-sill a lot yeah, I got some sherry.
You want a drop of port.
Let`s move behind this door here.
Let`s move on up behind this letter-box behind this door.
Let`s go in your front room,
let`s play this Muddy Waters record you got there,
if you just open up a little bit
and let me ease on in this backstreet jellyroll....
We`re gonna stay out all night long
And then we`re gonna go out and roam across the field
Baby you know how I feel when the healing has begun
When the healing, when the healing
We`re gonna stay out all night long
We`re gonna dance to the rock & roll
When the healing when the healing has begun