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Mal ein Zitat von Wikipedia über Bon Iver, den Peter Gabriel Fans als Autor des Stückes "Flume" kennen sollten, das mir nicht nur in der Bon-Iver-Version, sondern (erstaunlicherweise) auch bei Gabriel (wegen der Hörner) gefällt.Irgendwie mag ich diese Schreibtechniken ziemlich gerne.Vernon wrote the lyrics for the album by recording a word-less melody and listening to the recording over and over while writing words according to the sound of the syllables of the melody. In an interview, Vernon said: “Words like 'decision' and 'intention' aren’t words that float in my head because I just went,” Vernon explains. “I left North Carolina and went up there because I didn’t know where else to go and I knew that I wanted to be alone and I knew that I wanted to be where it was cold.”