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@ pink nice -Yes to replace Jon Anderson’s replacement as lead singer — but only temporarily
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@ pink nice -Yes to replace Jon Anderson’s replacement as lead singer — but only temporarily
Das scheint mir ja nur ein Kommentar zu den paar spärlichen Aussagen zu sein, die es von verschiedener Seite gibt und keinesfalls ein nachlesbares Statement. Ähnlich wie David parallel bei Mystery weitermachte wird auch Davison bei Glass Hammer bleiben - das ist zukunftsorientierter als sich dem langsam auslaufenden YES-Projekt zu verschreiben. Beiden kam / kommt auch zugute, dass ihre "Haus"Bands kaum Liveauftritte haben und sie auch nicht intensiv in das Songwriting bei Mystery bzw. GH eingebunden sind. Das überschneidet sich wenig mit dem Nebenruf des YESSängers.JJG hat geschrieben:@ pink nice -
Yes to replace Jon Anderson’s replacement as lead singer — but only temporarily
Ich dachte das würde bedeuten das David zurückkommt.Yes has already been forced to scuttle the final leg of their on-going European tour in December, as the ailing David recovers.
Benoit David hat geschrieben:Dear YES fans,
As you all know, the final three shows of last year's European tour were cancelled due to my ill health. On my return to Canada, I was advised to cease touring, for the foreseeable future, in order to avoid further damage to my voice. Following this extremely disappointing diagnosis, I had no alternative but to inform my fellow band members that I was unable to confirm my availability for, at least, the forthcoming concerts in New Zealand, Australia and Japan.
Although there was no alternative, I did so with a heavy heart as I felt that I was letting everyone down especially those who have supported me since I had the privilege of becoming the band's vocalist in 2008. The band members were all very understanding and asked if I would mind being replaced for the April shows - I immediately agreed that this would be the best way forward and gave them my blessing. I was then pleased to learn that Jon Davison would be my replacement as he is an accomplished musician with a fine voice.
I subsequently learnt, from a band member's interview, that I had officially left Yes and that my departure was permanent. As this is the situation, everyone should know that I will be eternally grateful for the opportunity I was given and very proud to have contributed to more than 200 concerts and to the 'Fly From Here' and 'In The Present Live From Lyon' albums. I would also like to express my appreciation for the support I was given by each member of the band, the fantastic crew, the management and everyone else involved during my time as vocalist in the band. Finally, to the fans who have applauded my efforts and to those I have had the pleasure of meeting - many thanks, my best wishes and please continue with your support of one of the world's greatest bands - YES.
Although I need to take it easy for a while, I fully intend to continue with my music career. In late summer of 2011, I added vocals to Mystery's forthcoming album 'The World Is A Game' - which is at the final stages of mixing and will be available in the near future. This is my third collaboration with Michel St-Pere, and Mystery, following 2007's 'Beneath the Veil of Winter's Face' and 2010's 'One Among The Living'.
So I guess I will, hopefully, see you somewhere down the road…
Benoit David
17th February 2012