Black Codex, The

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Black Codex, The

Beitrag von nixe »

The Black Codex ist ein Projekt des niederländischen Musiker Christiaan Bruin (Chris, Sky Architect, Nine Stones Close, Adeia, Mayra Orchestra). (Thomas Kohlruß)

Musik hat die Fähigkeit uns geistig, körperlich & emotional zu beeinflussen!

!!!I like Prog!!!

!!!Wenn die Sonne der Kultur niedrig steht, werfen selbst Zwerge lange Schatten!!!

Topic author
Beiträge: 13789
Registriert: Sa 7. Dez 2013, 19:35
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Re: the Black Codex

Beitrag von nixe »

Allgemeine Angaben:
Erscheinungsjahr: 2015 (Box-Set)
Besonderheiten/Stil: Konzeptalbum; ArtPop; Folk; Neoprog; RetroProg
Label: Freia Music
Durchschnittswertung: 11.5/15 (2 Rezensionen)

Christiaan Bruin concept, music, lyrics, drawings, keys, drums, guitar, bass, percussion, vocals, mixing, mastering
Peter Bruin trumpet
Rik van Honk trumpet, flugelhorn, bass trumpet
Joey van Doesburg trombone
Federico Dalprà flute
Simon Dubbeld clarinet
Ken Kunita bass clarinet
Annelies Rijk violin
Laura ten Voorde violin
Ruben van Kruistum cello
Tom Luchies guitar
Bas Immerzeel guitar
Sebas Honing guitar
von: Thomas Kohlruß (Rezension 1 von 2)

Über 6 ½ Stunden Musik... die wollen erstmal gehört werden. „The Black Codex“ ist ein wahrlich monumentales Projekt des niederländischen Musikers Christiaan Bruin, der neben seinen Solo-Veröffentlichungen unter dem Namen Chris, auch von Bands wie Sky Architect, Adeia und jüngst auch Nine Stones Close bekannt ist.

Vermutlich ist „The Black Codex“ ein bisher ziemlich einmaliges Unterfangen. Es handelt sich um eine musikalische Fortsetzungsgeschichte in 52 Folgen. Über ein ganzes Jahr hinweg (2014) hat Christiaan Bruin jede Woche ein Stück eines zusammenhängenden Konzeptalbums komponiert und veröffentlicht. Dabei haben Abonnenten des Ganzen diesen neuen Song immer jeweils sonntags per Mail zugesendet bekommen, begleitet von zugehörigem Artwork. Erzählt wird die Geschichte von Ezio, der eine Karte der Welt erstellen will und sich dazu mit einem historischen Fluggerät auf die Reise macht. Unterweges trifft er auf Lev, der ihn in die Geschichte der Entstehung der Welt einweiht und mit ihm auf die Suche des Buches „The Black Codex“ geht, welches letztlich die Grundlage für alle Existenzen auf der Erde ist. Eine ausladende Fantasy-Geschichte also, die auch Christiaan Bruin erfunden hat und erzählt.

Nach Abschluss der digitalen Phase des Projekts steht nun auch eine physische Ausgabe des Ganzen zur Verfügung. Die 52 Stücke wurden auf acht CDs verteilt, die jeweils als Doppel-CD-Digipak veröffentlicht wurden. Diese Doppel-CDs glänzen auch mit einem wunderschönen, der Thematik angepassten Artwork. Zum Abschluss erschien dann noch eine Box, in der alle CDs Platz finden und die zusätzlich mit einem ausführlichen Booklet mit allen Texten, zusätzlichem Artwork, Zeichnungen, Kartenmaterial usw., usw. ausgestattet ist. Damit wird das Ganze endgültig zu einem musikalisch-optischen Gesamtkunstwerk. Vage vergleichbar mag das „Charles Darwin“-Projekt von XII Alfonso sein, aber Bruins „Black Codex“ spielt nochmals in einer ganz anderen Dimension und ist auch musikalisch gelungener.

Die Musik hat natürlich Christiaan Bruin selbst komponiert, aber auch weitgehend selbst eingespielt. Er ist ein begabter Songwriter, Arrangeur und Musiker, der diverse Instrumente beherrscht. Unterstützt wird er allerdings auch noch von einigen Gastmusikern aus seinem musikalischen Umfeld (also Bandkollegen seiner anderen Projekte oder Musiker, mit denen er schon auf seinen Soloalben zusammengearbeitet hat). Die sorgen mit ihren Beiträgen an Trompete, Flöte, Klarinette, Violine, Cello, Gitarre und mehr für ein sehr organisches, geerdetes, warmes Klangerlebnis, weil Bruin nur wenig mit Keyboards und Synthies ergänzen muss. Außerdem ist Bruin ohnehin ein Multitalent und singt auch sehr überzeugend.

Die Musik selbst wandelt von sinfonisch-bombastischen Momenten über intime, folkloristische Passagen, mittelalterlich anmutenden Einlagen zu knackigem Neoprog, Filmmusik-Momenten und verspieltem, hoch-melodiösen Progressive Rock fast klassischer Natur. Rock-Oper-Ausflüge, Musical-Haftes, Film-Soundtrack, verträumte, lyrische Passagen auch inklusive. Ein weites Feld mal betörender, mal treibender, mal unheimlicher, mal dynamisch-mitreißender musikalischer Momente, die sich sozusagen die Klinke in die Hand geben. Bruin gelingt es einen thematischen Bogen über alles nicht nur textlich-konzeptuell zu spannen, sondern eben auch musikalisch. Die einzelnen Stücke knüpfen nahezu übergangslos aneinander an (was sehr schön zu hören ist, wenn man die Stücke digitalisiert hat und dann ohne Unterbrechungen nacheinander hört), Themen werden eingeführt, moduliert, tauchen immer wieder auf. Es handelt sich letztlich um eine große Komposition, die zu dem nur wenige Schwächen aufweist. Manchmal wird es vielleicht einen Tick zu schmalzig, es spielt alles doch überwiegend in einem harmonischen Mid-Tempo ab, so dass man sich mehr Ausbrüche in alle Richtungen wünschen würde. Aber das ist ein Gemecker auf sehr hohem Niveau, denn wie gesagt, letztlich ist das alles über die lange Laufzeit in sich sehr stimmig und kein bisschen langweilig oder mit Längen versehen. Da gibt es natürlich viel zu entdecken, auf dass im Rahmen einer Rezension gar nicht eingegangen werden kann. Wer Bruins letztes Solowerk „Days Of Summer Gone“ kennt, kann schon mal vage Rückschlüsse auf die Musik, die ihn auf „The Black Codex“ erwartet, ziehen. Ein bisschen mag „Days Of Summer Gone“ der Prototyp für Bruin für den akustisch-orchestralen Grundsound gewesen sein, der nun den „Black Codex“ bestimmt. Je später die Stücke, desto überzeugender, desto packender wird die Musik. Man hat den Eindruck, dass sich Bruin selbst immer mehr in sein Projekt hineingesteigert hat, so dass die Stücke immer abwechslungsreicher, immer zwingender (und teils auch länger) gegen Ende werden. Das verleiht dem Ganzen noch einen zusätzlichen aufstrebenden Spannungsbogen, der dem Projekt sozusagen noch das I-Tüpfelchen aufsetzt.

Genug geschwärmt, ein großes Werk eines interessanten Musikers unserer Zeit. Wer sich im sinfonisch-melodischen Progressive Rock-Umfeld zwischen Neoprog, Retroprog, New Artrock und Folk zu Hause fühlt, der sollte auf jeden Fall in die Welt des „Black Codex“ eintauchen. Eine eigene Welt vielfältiger Facetten will entdeckt werden und belohnt mit einem doch recht außergewöhnlichen musikalischen Erlebnis.

Anmerkung: Alle vier Doppel-CDs sind einzeln erhältlich, wie auch die Box mit dem Booklet. Letztlich macht aber nur alles zusammen einen Sinn, deswegen ist man durchaus gut beraten nach Angeboten Ausschau zu halten, die gleich das ganze Paket anbieten (was zB direkt beim Label Freia Music der Fall sein sollte, aber es wird wohl auch andere Quellen geben).
Anspieltipp(s): äh?
Vergleichbar mit: Der Herr der Ringe, Der Name der Rose, Das Foucaultsche Pendel, Lemprieres Wörterbuch, Alcatraz in Musik
von: Nik Brückner (Rezension 2 von 2)

Neulich sagt Thomas Kohlruß zu mir: Aber sowas gefällt Dir doch gar nicht!

Tja, sehtermal.

Und es stimmt ja auch. Vieles hier, besonders in der, sagen wir, ersten Hälfte, ist nah am Musical. Und ich weiß, auch wenn wir es alle vehement abstreiten, für viele ist Musical nur in der Öffentlichkeit "Weibermusik", sie gehen manchmal in den Keller und hören dort heimlich Musicals. Es mag auch jene geben, die tatsächlich nicht merken, dass die Musik, die sie hören, eigentlich Musicalmusik ist, Nightwish, Powermetal, all diese Bands halt mit ner Frontfrau in 'ner lila Samtkorsage.

Ich mag keine Musicals. Und in meinem Keller ist 'ne Wasche und 'ne Hochtourenausrüstung.

Aber das hier? Das ist doch umwerfend! Ein Typ komponiert ein Jahr lang jede Woche lang ein Stück, bis er acht CDs vollhat, und schreibt dazu eine fast 70seitige Geschichte! Das Ganze vertont von Orchestermusikern, verpackt in einer Box - daran kann man nicht einfach vorbeigehen, oder?

Wird's noch proggiger? Ich meine, das ist ist ein echtes Ereignis, schon wegen der Ambition.

Sechseinhalb Stunden Musik - da ist klar, dass einem nicht alles gefallen kann. Schließlich kann Bruin nicht jedes der 52 Stücke im gleichen Stil komponieren, das wäre viel zu eintönig. Und die vielstimmige Geschichte mit allen ihren Aufs und Abs hätte er dadurch auch nicht angemessen vertont. Ich meine, Thomas und ich sind geschmacklich sehr breit aufgestellt, uns gefällt mehr als den meisten, mir zum Beispiel gefallen hier nur die Musical-Anteile nicht. Aber auch für stärker fokussierte Hörer bleibt hier noch so viel übrig! Progressive Rock, Pseudoklassik, Kirchenchor, Filmmusik, Folk und, man höre und staune, Avant-Rock und Schrägavantgarde. Im zweiten Teil, wenn die schwelgerischen Passagen vom Tisch sind, läuft "The Black Codex" zu Bestform auf - großartig!

Das Ding ist ein echter Brocken, und man braucht schon einen sehr verregneten Sonntag, um das am Stück zu hören. Aber für alle, die mal wieder so richtig in ein Gesamtkunstwerk immergieren wollen, so mit Story, Bildern und Musik, ist das genau das Richtige!
Vergleichbar mit: Olias of Sunhillow, The Pentateuch of the Cosmogony, Not as good as the Book

Musik hat die Fähigkeit uns geistig, körperlich & emotional zu beeinflussen!

!!!I like Prog!!!

!!!Wenn die Sonne der Kultur niedrig steht, werfen selbst Zwerge lange Schatten!!!

Topic author
Beiträge: 13789
Registriert: Sa 7. Dez 2013, 19:35
Wohnort: Melle
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Re: the Black Codex

Beitrag von nixe »

Disc 1 (Episodes 1 - 6, Disc 1)
1. Overture Pt. I 7:21

2. Overture Pt. II 7:50

3. Map Of The World / Fairground Of Ark Pt. I 7:40

4. Fairground Of Ark Pt. II / A World Away 7:15

5. Wanderlust 7:12

6. A Dot On The Horizon 7:50

Gesamtlaufzeit 45:08

Disc 2 (Episodes 7 - 13, Disc 2)
1. Beneath The Surface 7:07

2. Flight Of Columbo 6:55

3. House Behind The Bridge / Trapped In Time 6:40

4. The City Of Ark (From Above) 7:07

5. One And The Many 7:54

6. The Key 7:16

7. Thoughtcrime And Burglary 6:58

Gesamtlaufzeit 49:57

Disc 3 (Episodes 14 - 20, Disc 1)
1. The Scent Of Fear 8:14

2. The Black Cliffs Of Ark 8:44

3. Stampede 7:00

4. In The Sewers 6:40

5. The Mad Realm 7:21

6. A Wolf Among The Sheep 7:10

7. The Judgement Of The King 7:21

Gesamtlaufzeit 52:30

Disc 4 (Episodes 21 - 26, Disc 2)
1. New Beginnings 8:55

2. Feast Of Spring 8:10

3. Demons In Disguise 7:07

4. Ex Igne Fides 7:22

5. Safire / After The Fall 8:48

6. Fairground Of Ark Pt. III / The Conjuration Of Earth 9:29

Gesamtlaufzeit 49:51

Disc 5 (Episodes 27 - 33, Disc 1)
1. Is There Anyone There? 6:36

2. The Weasel's Theme 6:59

3. The Weasel And The Child 6:35

4. The City In The Sky 7:59

5. Rival Minds 6:22

6. Arriving At The Nothern Gate 6:52

7. Behind The Threshold Of Worlds 8:21

Gesamtlaufzeit 49:44

Disc 6 (Episodes 34 - 39, Disc 2)
1. Silhouette In The Window 6:37

2. Immersion 6:41

3. The Hauntings Pt. I 12:26

4. The Hauntings Pt. II 8:07

5. ...And The Day Will Come 13:20

6. Seance 13:49

Gesamtlaufzeit 61:00

Disc 7 (Episodes 40 - 46, Disc 1)
1. In The Dead Of Night 7:28

2. Rise To Power 6:37
3. Archetypes 8:33
4. In The Dungeon 6:51
5. Prepare For War 6:34
6. Face To Face 7:42
7. To The Other Side 7:03
Gesamtlaufzeit 50:48

Disc 8 (Episodes 47 - 52, Disc 2)
1. Aftermath 7:31
2. What Dreams May Come 5:05
3. And So It Ends (Blue Planet Among The Stars) 6:34
4. Our Place Under The Sun 7:58
5. Heading Home 13:10
6. A New Map Of The World 17:41
Gesamtlaufzeit 57:59

Musik hat die Fähigkeit uns geistig, körperlich & emotional zu beeinflussen!

!!!I like Prog!!!

!!!Wenn die Sonne der Kultur niedrig steht, werfen selbst Zwerge lange Schatten!!!

Beiträge: 9197
Registriert: Mo 7. Apr 2008, 16:20
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Re: the Black Codex

Beitrag von Aprilfrost »

Danke für die Erinnerung, Nixe! :good:
Ich hatte vor Monaten mal Clips gehört, fand einiges sehr hörenswert, anderes nicht so. Bin gespannt, was aus dem Projekt rausgekommen ist.

Topic author
Beiträge: 13789
Registriert: Sa 7. Dez 2013, 19:35
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Re: the Black Codex

Beitrag von nixe »


Musik hat die Fähigkeit uns geistig, körperlich & emotional zu beeinflussen!

!!!I like Prog!!!

!!!Wenn die Sonne der Kultur niedrig steht, werfen selbst Zwerge lange Schatten!!!

Topic author
Beiträge: 13789
Registriert: Sa 7. Dez 2013, 19:35
Wohnort: Melle
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Re: the Black Codex

Beitrag von nixe »

So, der erste Doppler wurde 2014 & der letzte 2016 veröffentlicht. Wann Christiaan Bruin die erste Idee dazu hatte, weiß ich nicht, aber 2015 muß er ja nur im Studio gewesen sein, für die Aufnahmen, denn ich schätze, das in diesem Jahr der HauptAnteil dafür produziert wurde!
Es ist Symphonic Prog, also genau meine Baustelle, aber genug mit der Euphory, denn das es da auch ein paar DurchHänger gibt, ist doch normal,oder?
Wäre diese Story ein Film, wüßte ich nichtmal, ob er mich interessieren würde? Als ich die Story von Eloy's Planets & Time to Turn laß, ging es mir ebenso & da ist der Sound '80-er like!
So, jetzt lese ich endlich, was bbs schreibt:

Musik hat die Fähigkeit uns geistig, körperlich & emotional zu beeinflussen!

!!!I like Prog!!!

!!!Wenn die Sonne der Kultur niedrig steht, werfen selbst Zwerge lange Schatten!!!

Beiträge: 9197
Registriert: Mo 7. Apr 2008, 16:20
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Re: the Black Codex

Beitrag von Aprilfrost »

Ich höre das gute Teil seit gestern Abend auf Spotify. Bin jetzt bei Episode 35. Das Ding entwickelt sich mächtig. Beim ersten Hören hab ich noch keine echten Hänger festgestellt. Man muss sich schon drauf einlassen. Irgendwann ist das als Tonträger bei mir fällig.

Topic author
Beiträge: 13789
Registriert: Sa 7. Dez 2013, 19:35
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Re: the Black Codex

Beitrag von nixe »

Ich bin erst bei 15 & sie läuft, glaube ich, auch erst das zweite Mal komplett & ich bereue nix!!!

Musik hat die Fähigkeit uns geistig, körperlich & emotional zu beeinflussen!

!!!I like Prog!!!

!!!Wenn die Sonne der Kultur niedrig steht, werfen selbst Zwerge lange Schatten!!!

Topic author
Beiträge: 13789
Registriert: Sa 7. Dez 2013, 19:35
Wohnort: Melle
Has thanked: 672 times
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Re: the Black Codex

Beitrag von nixe »

Lyrics Episodes 1 - 13

CD 1: 1 - Overture Pt. I
- instrumental -

as the sound grew louder,
she realized it had been neither thunder, nor drums.
pounding hooves resounded through the narrow alley.
against a background of thick black smoke they appeared.
the horses had broken free.

CD 1: 2 - Overture Pt. II
Acario: early morning, still it's dark
she is always there, I know
waits upon the black cliffs at the arch
for the sun to come, I know

all the while an omen grows within
soon it comes, soon it will begin
waiting for the sunrise on the ocean
shed it's light upon friend and foe
things to come will soon be set in motion
and she's always there, i know

and oh
she doesn't know me yet but one day soon she will
no reason left for me to bide my time anymore
and oh
she doesn't see me yet but one day soon she will
no reason left for me to hide anymore

CD 1: 3 - Map Of The World
Ezio: me, a little man, came to the big city
looking for work, and they did not refuse
I get to fly around and around
make a map of the world
for the Out There Institute

OTI: round and round you'll roam
on your own and far away from home

Ezio: they gave me all that I need to do what I must
a flying device and all this stuff
like a mechanical bird I'm up there, up in the air
better wish me luck

OTI: round and round you'll roam
on your own and far away from home

Ezio: over the rooftops, over the houses, over the trees
over the rivers, over the mountains, over the seas
round and round I'll roam
on my own and far away from home
map of the world, around the world
I'm out of here, I'm gone, I'm out of here
drift on the wind, so it begins
I have no fear, I'm gone, I'm out of here

CD 1: 3 - Fairground Of Ark Pt. I
it's been the same since the old times
in the annual time of the year
the crowds would gather at the shoreline
and the fairground of Ark would appear

a display of wonders and miracles
the strangest sights ever seen
before your eyes became visible
behold the world of your dreams

when cracks appear and fabric's torn apart
we get to see the world behind it all

the horrid, the wondrous, they make your heart sway
and fill your eyes with tears
the fairground of Ark has it's own ways
to make your pain disappear
it's all there, let them take you away
to a world beyond sorrow and fear

when cracks appear and fabric's torn apart
we get to see the world behind it all

CD 1: 4 - Fairground Of Ark Pt. II - A World Away
Acario: she's like an angel soaring through the sky
she's but a world away from me now
walks up to me and I'm a fool and I
don't know what to say, don't know how

saw here standing at the shoreline
upon the rocks that day, that day
could not tell what she was waiting for and I
turned around and I walked away

walk away, turn away
streets are empty, in the night I roam
away, away
for the day will come when I am not alone
away, away
streets are empty, in the night there's no one there but me
walk away, turn away
she's but a world away and I'm alone

too afraid when she comes close, too numb
I hide my face and I walk away
I am lost, I am overcome
by my disgrace and hide away
the curse I carry with me in my heart
until the day that I leave it all

walk away, turn away
streets are empty, in the night I roam
away, away
for the day will come when I am not alone
away, away
streets are empty, in the night there's no one there but me
walk away, turn away
she's but a world away and I'm alone

CD 1: 5 - Wanderlust
Ezio: in the silence of transcendence
winds will tell me where to go
in the air, it fills my senses
as the lands slide past below

was it destiny that called me?
who'd have thought, who would have known?
look where I came, look where it brought me
and for all this time I've flown

but I can't forget the remnants
of a past I left behind
they will stay with me forever
in the corners of my mind, mind

in my aerial endeavors
as these wings became my own
wanderlust, it grew forever
leading me to worlds unknown

but I can't forget the remnants
of a past I left behind
they will stay with me forever
in the corners of my mind

and I can't forget the remnants
of a past I left behind
they will stay with me forever
in the corners of my mind

as these winds will not forsake me
there is always more to find
and wherever they may take me
I will always look behind

"I Ezio of Ezra, came to the bustling trade city of Ancario, hoping to find some work.
A prosperous city full of colors and extraordinary sights. I was lucky enough to find employment
at the Out There Institute (OTI), as an aerial mapmaker.
Now I've completed my training and I'm ready to venture into the big world. My first stop is the
Isle of Senna. I do not know what to expect."

Little did he know, indeed.

CD 1: 6 - A Dot On The Horizon
Lev: run! they found me, here they come
don't slow down, they're right behind me now
they're after me, I must be out of town
turn 'round the corner now
into the alley, don't forget the plan
remember where and when
it's either escape or certain death
not much time is left
guards approaching from all sides
with no one there to stop them
nowhere to go, nowhere to hide
step aside, step aside!
too crowded on the streets
the tower comes into sight, and I'm getting near
and the dot on the horizon will be here

blissful like a bird
soaring through the sky
over the rooftops, over the houses
he'll be here, he'll be here

run! I'm at the tower, there's no way out
no way back, rush up the staircase
they're behind me, better not look back
higher and higher, to the top
it all depends on him, without him knowing
there's no way of behind certain
that I won't crash into the ground
when I jump from the tower, dead or safe and sound
there is he! I can see him appear
just like I planned, for they are getting near
no more hesitations, I just know
no more calculations, here I go!

Ezio: what just happened?
Lev: what's the matter?
Ezio: cannot grasp this -
Lev: he's flabbergasted!
just keep moving, just keep going
Ezio: we're to heavy, we're overloaded
(they're) shooting arrows
we're going down and space is narrow
we'll crash in town, we are dying!
Lev: don't be childish, keep on flying
escape the isle and we'll be free, yeah
we'll be free, yeah
looks like we lost them, looks like we made it
Ezio: (you'd) better go off then
Lev: I must stay here
Ezio: I demand an explanation!
Lev: save your questions, keep your patience
Ezio: what your name and who where they?
and was it fate that made me save you?
Lev: there's no time for revelations
let's say I made my calculations
we are free, yeah
we are free, yeah

CD 2: 1 - Beneath The Surface
the storm fell silent
high up in the air
fly away from the island
to where?

Ezio: I can't explain the fact that he's here
it is more than a mind can bear
how did I find him?
did he know that I'd be there?

Lev: it's all beneath the surface
the space in between
it's all behind the curtain
you've watched but never seen
you stand aside, wondering why
and how it all came to be
on thing is certain:
a worlds awaits, and soon you'll see

sunrise, lovers dancing in the morning light
at the shoreline, as one watches from afar
afraid of the light

never ever saw one anywhere without the other
yet fate tore them apart when she came into sight

an angel she was, she shone in the moonlight
the brightest of stars, in the darkest night

to one of which she gave her heart, her all
and he loved her but she didn't know he shared
his soul in this life

the other
didn't understand what life had given him at all
but fate had played it's cards
left behind

Acario: look at him
doesn't know anger or denial
and luck has been on his side all the while
all this time

look at me
what about me? I'm left behind
and trouble's been on my mind all the while
all this time

look at them
so careless and full of pride
they're oblivious to the world
I'm shut outside

look at here
cannot watch, cannot bear the sight
and she doesn't know we are one
he and I, intertwined

torn apart
misguided martyr of the heart
curse it all
one will rise, one will fall

CD 2: 2 - Flight Of Columbo
- instrumental -

"Since Lev and I spent a lot of time in the flying
device, decided to give it a name: Columbo.
We continued our journey along the coastline.
We flew over the mountains, past the arch of Ezbor,
which gives shelter to the hanging city of Ezbor underneath,
past the floating city of Emna and a curious little town called Tilliana."
- Ezio

CD 2: 3 - House Behind The Hedge
Ezio: when we were young, when we were children
we would walk in the sun
past the old tree and the river
and in the window, there she was

and her eyes I still remember
as she was gazing down on me
how I wished it'd last forever
loveliest of all, was she

suddenly, there was he
the man, he would appear
staring down, down on me
he filled my heart with fear

darkness fell over the house
sent shivers down my spine
sky was black, and filled with clouds
he shut the world outside

past the river and the old tree
heading home, running back again
knowing she was waiting for me
in the house behind the hedge

CD 2: 3 - Trapped In Time
Acario: there's a flame, deep inside
growing strong, glowing bright
no one there by my side
I'm lost, left behind

I'm condemned, cast aside
on thing left on my mind
I am trapped, trapped in time
there is no wrong or right

if she can't be, can't be mine
my path is clear, clear as light
I have seen and read the signs
no way sack, no way out
soon it is time

she doesn't know me yet but one day soon she will
no reason left to bide my time anymore, no
she doesn't see me yet but one day soon she will
no reason left for me to hide anymore
anymore, anymore, anymore

so it begins
the martyr has been turned against his kin
a bitter fate
within this game each has a part to play
blessed be his heart, blessed be his soul
blessed be his heart, blessed be his soul

CD 2: 4 - The City Of Ark (From Above)
Lev: you asked me a while ago:
how do you know the things you know?
today I show you how it's done
'cause it's easier to see from above

within these city walls
I know of two lonely souls
living past each other
today is the day their paths will cross
and each will meet the other

there's mister Robert, on his way to work
always at eight, at seven he returns
there's miss Lucy heading who knows where
following the signs I've put out there
out there

Robert, who is unaware
sees the mob I arranged up ahead
he makes up his mind, and there
he changes his path, as he turns left
and walks into an alley

meanwhile, Lucy is getting near Vince
a known pickpocketteer
his patterns and his ways I know
he grabs her bag and away he goes
he runs off
here comes Robert, back in sight
out of the alley, he's right on time
walks into Vince, who drops his prize
the thief's running off, he's out of sight
as Lucy finds her saviour

CD 2: 5 - One And The Many
Lev: see these people walking around
the crowded streets, rat race of man
running in circles, on and on
like mice in a wheel, without end
look closer now and you will see
a pattern appear, it's everywhere
right in front of your eyes
you just need to see

call it a game, a mystery
all we know, but fail to see
fragments of infinity
it's all the same to me

you think you're independent
think you are free, but you're not
you're just a part of the whole
of the machine, part of the plot
you read the lines
but you didn't read in between
just like the lot of mankind
and truth is disguised, unseen

call it a game, a mystery
all we know, but fail to see
fragments of infinity
it's all the same to me

we are one and the many
one in this life
bound to our planet, we long to the sky
we are kindred souls, all intertwined
pieces of a puzzle, born from the light

it's all around, everywhere
it's in all that we see
simple as that
we can't escape it, we are trapped
in a greater scheme
of cause and effect
if one were to read the patterns beyond
he would see, how all interacts
the answers are all around
within your reach

call it a game, a mystery
all we know, but fail to see
fragments of infinity
the hand of a guiding agency
call it meaning, significance
call it chance, coincidence
call it patterns in randomness
inane analysis
call it fate, call it cruelty
or genius ingenuity
call it truth of contingency
a book of all, cosmic symphony
call it structure, call it design
call it fiction, a greater mind
call it grace, call it destiny
call it faith, say it's meant to be
call it love, call it caring hands
call it trust, call it providence
call it science, cause and consequence
call it life, gift of consciousness

we are on and the many
one in this life
bound to our planet, we long to the sky
we are kindred souls, all intertwined
pieces of a puzzle, born from the light

meanwhile, in another part of the city…
Old man: stop that man, I've been robbed
City Guards: which way did he go?
we'll catch him
Old man: he's running off
City Guards: which way?
Old man: I don't know, I can not say
City Guards: he cannot be far
Old man: oh wait! there he goes
City Guards: we're on his trail
Constable Bertolli: he won't get away
that's all that I know
Vince: things went wrong, I've been seen!
get out of my way
and it seems they're coming for me
I think I'd better run for my life
head over heels
Lev: (to Ezio) don't move, stay right here
and wait, all will become clear
very soon you will see
very soon you will see
Vince: it seems I lost them
one look back
one look I'll cast and turn my head
wait, what's that man doing there?
why would anyone just stand there?
so unaware, get away!
it's too late to stop
Vincent runs into Ezio who was waiting on the street, like Lev told him…

CD 2: 6 - The Key
After Vince had bumped into Ezio in the streets, he'd still managed to
escape from the City Guards and Constable Bertolli. It seemed Lev's
plan had failed after all.
Lev told Ezio he occasionally used his skills in the service of the City
guards, or other wealthy parties who wished for particular situations or
'incidents' to be arranged. Lev would then analyze certain patterns of chains
of events and somehow manipulate them in such a way that the desired
result was bound to occur. Ezio was still trying to grasp this phenomenon
when Lev revealed yet another part of his grand scheme.

Lev: (to Ezio)and now I tell you why we came to the City of Ark
everything I long for lies within these walls
the crude and old key I hold in my hands
if I'm correct, will lead us to a hidden map
which shows us the way to a tome
The Black Codex, book of the unknown
it's been said it contains the cipher of it all
if that is true, the things you've seen are but the start
unravel the material world
a mystery and truth will be unfurled

…a few days later, while walking through the City Of Ark, Lev
and Ezio encounter the villain Vince once more..

Vince: well well well, if it isn't my good friends
what a delight to meet you again
you almost had me last time, now it's my turn
give me all that you have, I'll spare your lives in return
empty your pockets, it all belongs to me
Lev: take my coins and take this key

CD 2: 7 - Thoughtcrime And Burglary
Acario: my fate has been decided
I've been a puppet from the start

their souls will be devided thus spoke the prophet, they must part
Acario: and so, there is no way back
there is no hope left, just a task:
destroy all that I cherish
thus both must perish
it must be done

as soon as she comes home
her eye falls on the open window
she's scared but there's no one there
overcome by fright, she's weaving
then she finds a piece of paper lying on her pillow
she picks it up, it says:
"meet me at the black cliffs tonight"

meanwhile he arrives at home
to find that the door is open
it seems that there's no one there
he goes inside
it seems like it might have been a thief
but nothing's gone, nothing's broken
he finds a note, it says:
"meet me at the black cliffs tonight"

Ezio: so much for the secret key it's gone
Lev: it's not too late, have no fear
trust me for I know what I have done
there'll be a way, you will see
let's go home

As they arrive at the inn where they are staying:

Ezio: something's wrong
our rooms have been turned upside down
they've searched it all and disappeared
Lev: quick, be quiet, I can hear a sound
I reckon someone's still here

they see three men, dressed in black, searching one of their rooms. As soon as the intruders see Ezio and Lev, they draw their swords and chase them through the rooms. Soon after, Ezio and Lev find themselves cornered with swords pointed at them. Another man, very tall and also dressed in black, appears. He appears to be the leader of the group.
Leader: you two are not going anywhere
(to henchmen) search them both, give me the key
Henchman: they carry nothing it makes no sense
Leader: then kill them both, for we've been seen
Lev: run!

© 2014 by The Black Codex. All Rights Reserved.

Musik hat die Fähigkeit uns geistig, körperlich & emotional zu beeinflussen!

!!!I like Prog!!!

!!!Wenn die Sonne der Kultur niedrig steht, werfen selbst Zwerge lange Schatten!!!

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Re: the Black Codex

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What exactly is The Black Codex?
The Black Codex is a musical series made by Christiaan Bruin. Its concept is a unique one: Subscribers receive, by email, a newly composed and recorded piece of music every week, together with illustrated lyrics, drawings, and other bonus features.
How many episodes are there?
There will be weekly episodes during the course of 1 year, so 52.
Is it an original story?
Yes, the story of The Black Codex is written by me (Christiaan).
How much does it cost?
It's 4 euro each month, so each episode is 1 euro.
Can I share the episodes with others?
If you'd want to there's no way of stopping you, so you could. But I'd rather see you not sharing it, and instead advice anybody who's interest to become a member.
Will there be a physical release of the episodes?
Perhaps, but so far nothing is certain.
Who are the musicians playing on the recordings?
It's mostly me, but there are some guest musicians as well.
How do I subscribe?
See 'Subscribe' in the top menu.
What if you can't make the deadline?
I have a buffer of a couple of weeks, to make sure there will be a new episode ready each week.
What if I didn't receive an episode on my email account?
Just send an email to and we'll sort it out.

About Christiaan Bruin:
Christiaan Bruin is a young dutch composer, multi-instrumentalist and producer. Since 2009 has released five albums with his solo-project CHRIS. He is also a founding member of the progressive rock band SKY ARCHITECT, which has recorded three albums since 2010. Furthermore he is a member of the avant-garde metal band ADEIA, the progressive rock band NINE STONES CLOSE and the cinematic pop orchestra MAYRA ORCHESTRA.
Chris - A Glimpse Inside (2009)
Chris - Making Sense (2010)
Chris - City Of Light (2012)
Chris - Snow Stories (2012)
Chris - Days Of Summer Gone (2013)
Sky Architect - Excavations Of The Mind (2010)
Sky Architect - A Dying Man's Hymn (2011)
Sky Architect - A Billion Years Of Solitude (2013)
Adeia - Hourglass (2013)
Mayra Orchestra - World Of Wonder (2013)

For more info on Christiaan and his projects, see

Musik hat die Fähigkeit uns geistig, körperlich & emotional zu beeinflussen!

!!!I like Prog!!!

!!!Wenn die Sonne der Kultur niedrig steht, werfen selbst Zwerge lange Schatten!!!

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