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Hier gibt Jon mal wieder ein paar Eindrücke in einem aktuellen Interview:http://www.mwe3.com/archive/pastfeature ... on2013.htm
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Hier gibt Jon mal wieder ein paar Eindrücke in einem aktuellen Interview:Q & A With Jon Anderson: The Making of “The Friends Of Mr. Cairo”Q. What inspired you to write these particular songs—especially “The Friends of Mr. Cairo”?
It was just the way Vangelis played the music at that moment, I said it felt like an old style movie, and he would do his ‘Douglas Fairbanks’ impersonation, so I said let’s get some actors to pretend to be Cagney or Bogart, and so on…that’s how we built the song; it was based on the “Maltese Falcon’ movie, where Peter Lorre was Mr Cairo, the fat man was Sidney Greenstreet and Humphrey Bogart was the private eye…such a fun thing to do…great production from Vangelis.
A. What messages did you hope to convey through the songs on the album?
Music is very powerful and movies are, they change our thinking in very subtle ways; there is the story that Quincy Jones and Michael Jackson listened to this album as he was starting ‘Thriller” on which they did ‘voice overs’…
‘Mr. Cairo’ inspired Michael Jackson’s “We Are The World”
Quincy has told me Michael was very inspired by the ‘Cairo’ album and when Donna Summers recorded ‘State of Independence’ around the same time, Michael and Lionel Richie, Steve Wonder, Diana Ross, and many more, sang back-up vocals on that song…and on that session, Lionel and Michael started writing the song ‘We are the World’…amazing to think that would happen.
http://www.jonanderson.com/tour.htmlzooooom everyone, off we jolly well go, on tour starting Saturday ,check my website for details.. weeeeeeee...lot's of new music coming like crazy...hoping to start a band this year, more news on that later, for now, wish us Love and 'Light' as I wish you all 'Love and 'light'..best of everything...Jon & Janee on tour, weeeeeeeee
Alan Parsons hat geschrieben:Jon Anderson and I backstage after our performances on Feb. 15th. We were both accompanied by The Florida Rock Symphony.
Es bleiben immer Zweifel, wenn Jon solche Projekte ankündigt, meist verlaufen sie ja im Sand wie seine "Lost Tapes Box", das Olias-Sequel oder sein neues, beinah fertiges Sherwood/Elias-Album. Und wenn er nun von Proben ab Juni, Tour aber erst im nächsten Jahr spricht, ist das wieder so ein langer Zeitraum, der die Möglichkiiet, dass Jon wieder mal die Lust an einer Sache verliert, durchaus beinhaltet - zumal er im Interview zuvor ja von einer Tour im Sommer 2014 sprach. Die Tatsache, dass Jean-Luc Ponty aber in der Band sei, ist schon kribbelig. :boygeige:14. Feb 2014, 07:20 » JJG hat geschrieben:Jon startet seine Tour am 15.02.2014 und hofft auf die Zusammenstellung einer Band in diesem Jahr.
Wen er wohl im Auge hat?