[REVIEW] Jon Anderson - Survival & Other Stories (2010)


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Re: Jon Anderson - Survival & Other Stories (2010)

Beitrag von Topographic »

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Jans tolle Rezi und Soons wunderbar weihrauchwolkige Wertschätzung des Albums sind sicherlich großteils berechtigt.
Wenn man bedenkt, was Jon in den letzten Jahren alles mitgemacht hat, muss man wirklich froh um so ein Album sein.
Nach den vielen, wenig ausgegorenen Facebook-Schnipseln, hatte ich mich aber ein wenig vor dem Album gefürchtet. Nicht schon wieder so ein Flop Marke "The More..", "Earthmotherearth" oder "The Promise Ring" - alles schon über zehn Jahre her.
So wollte ich auch nach dem ersten, oberflächlichen Durchhören mit dem Empfinden "Eine nette Ansammlung von Belanglosigkeiten" nicht mehr so recht an diese CD (ich bin zu sehr Jon-Fan, als dass ich mir eine weitere Enttäuschung antun wollte). Je öfter ich das Album aber höre, desto mehr erschließen sich verborgene Schönheiten, kleine ungeschliffene Halbedelsteine und feine musikalische Arrangements. Dennoch bleibt es eine Ansammlung von Songs sehr unterschiedlicher Qualität. Was mir gut gefällt, ist die saubere Produktion, auch der Vocals (im Gegensatz zum Living Tree), weniger beeindrucken mich Jons melodische Inspirationen. Das liegt vielleicht daran, dass Jon - wie bei Living Tree und anders als oftmals bei YES- die Songs bereits in ihrem Grundgerüst geliefert bekam und dann erst Lyrics und Melodie beisteuerte.
Mein Favorit ist "Cloudz" - der Song erreicht eine beinah ähnliche Intensität wie "Sadness of Flowing".

Was mich wirklich verwundert, ist diese merkwürdige Vermarktungsstrategie des Albums. Kein Hinweis auf Jons HP, eine reguläre Veröffentlichung sei erstmal nicht geplant, lässt das Management verlauten. Da haben Jan, Melanie und ich ja ein echtes Sammlerstück im Regal stehen.
Wer mal reinhören will...

Member X
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Re: Jon Anderson - Survival & Other Stories (2010)

Beitrag von Member X »

topographic hat geschrieben:Da haben Jan, Melanie und ich ja ein echtes Sammlerstück im Regal stehen.
Wer mal reinhören will...
Was hab ich davon, wenn ich in Dein Regal reinhöre? ;)

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Re: Jon Anderson - Survival & Other Stories (2010)

Beitrag von SOON »

soundmunich hat geschrieben:
topographic hat geschrieben:Da haben Jan, Melanie und ich ja ein echtes Sammlerstück im Regal stehen.
Wer mal reinhören will...
Was hab ich davon, wenn ich in Dein Regal reinhöre? ;)
jez sei mol net so goschert! :ugeek:
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Re: Jon Anderson - Survival & Other Stories (2010)

Beitrag von Topographic »

soundmunich hat geschrieben:Was hab ich davon, wenn ich in Dein Regal reinhöre? ;)
Na, ein bisschen mehr Antizipation darfs ruhig sein. Notfalls reicht auch eine PN ;) .

Member X
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Re: Jon Anderson - Survival & Other Stories (2010)

Beitrag von Member X »

topographic hat geschrieben:
soundmunich hat geschrieben:Was hab ich davon, wenn ich in Dein Regal reinhöre? ;)
Na, ein bisschen mehr Antizipation darfs ruhig sein. Notfalls reicht auch eine PN ;) .
Mein Kommentar war jetzt auch nicht wirklich ernst gemeint. 'tschuldigung. Bemühe mich, sowas zukünftig zu unterlassen.













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Re: Jon Anderson - Survival & Other Stories (2010)

Beitrag von Roland »

Auch ich hatte nun die Gelegenheit das Album kennenzulernen und bin begeistert. Jon hat schon eine außerordentliche Stimme.

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Re: Jon Anderson - Survival & Other Stories (2010)

Beitrag von Royale »

Kann man das Album denn jetzt kaufen?
Leb in meiner Welt

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Re: Jon Anderson - Survival & Other Stories (2010)

Beitrag von Roland »

Royale hat geschrieben:Kann man das Album denn jetzt kaufen?
Nein das nicht, aber mich hat jemand zum Probehören eingeladen (siehe PN).

Gruß Roli :lol:

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Re: Jon Anderson - Survival & Other Stories (2010)

Beitrag von JJG »

Roland hat geschrieben:
Royale hat geschrieben:Kann man das Album denn jetzt kaufen?
Nein das nicht, aber mich hat jemand zum Probehören eingeladen (siehe PN).

Gruß Roli :lol:
Ich finde es wirklich toll, dass Ihr Euch auf Topos Couch vor dem CD Regal zum gemeinsamen
Anhören getroffen habt. ;)

... und Cloudz ist auch mein Lieblingsstück vom Album ...
"We are truth made in heaven, we are glorious" (Anderson/Stolt 2016)


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Re: Jon Anderson - Survival & Other Stories (2010)

Beitrag von Aprilfrost »

Bei den Progarchives gibt es zwei wohlwollende Besprechungen des Albums.

Collaborators/Experts Reviews
Review by lor68
4 stars
Well what can I say regarding such a remarkable step of Jon Anderson brilliant career?!!..As in the recent times his illness brought about a certain strength in his composition, thanks to his strong reaction to his unlucky fate (also in his recent 2011 American Tour, where his performance on stage has been improving all his successful concerts in America and Mexico for a few months), now I like to point out that He's been able to put a great quality into the present new composition, by considering this "Survival..." in its essence.

As a matter of fact, in spite of all the problems with his health, that anyway charged him with a lot of motivations before the same Tour, I think We often have missed his full talented music, especially during his absence: so such Jon's artistic "calibre" in the world of the New-Age and Prog Related music, which has always characterized his career (despite a few occasional uneven arrangements in his last albums), is still growing nowadays, after all, and for me that's enough to regard this new music project as a clever work to be checked out at least!!

This time Jon as a soloist has got a convincing spiritual mood in his album, creating one of his best products ever...it's enriched by means of an intelligent variety of tunes, from the most religious ones, to those more symphonic compositions à-la "Jon and Vangelis", accompanied by some clever musicians, which makes this "Survival..." almost a must- have!!

Here you won't find any programmed drums or "midi-files", cause the talented musicians who play with him are able to emphasize his darkless lyrics- as you instead don't expect here- without pushing towards the high notes in his vocalism; even though He's always able to maintain a kind of "religiousness" in his songs and that's surprising, along with his optimism!!

The piano accompaniment, the orchestrations inside and the music variety in general, are brilliant features here for Jon, being not in a spot into this "mystic" context, regardless all the electronic backdrops: in fact, thanks to his collaboration with unknown musicians from all over the world (even some delicate finger-picking guitar parts by a sensible guitarist, enriching the composition...), Jon has been able to create an organic work !!

Think of "Understanding Truth" for example, with its variety, or "Unbroken Spirit", with its clever arrangement, witouth forgetting a completely different and "religious song" entitled " Big Buddha Song "...well at the end make your personal choice, but for me it's all quite interesting after all!!

Actually the true score is "three stars and an half", as the present album probably is not essential inside a typical symphonic prog collection, but into the world of the New Age Music almost it is...

Posted Sunday, June 26, 2011
Review by lazland
4 stars
I thought that the Anderson & Wakeman collaboration last year, The Living Tree, was a good album, but not anything particularly memorable, and part of the problem was that I felt that Anderson, a singer who has always had the capacity to move me very deeply vocally, had not really fully recovered from the illness which almost took his life and also signified his ejection, under not particularly pleasant circumstances, from the band with which he will be forever associated.

So, I eagerly awaited this latest solo release, the first of three promised new albums in the next year. In particular, I asked, had the great man's voice fully recovered?

The answer to that question is an unequivocal yes. This album finds Jon back in soaring and full blooded voice again, and, in this reviewer's eyes, the world is a far happier place for it.

As one could probably guess from the title, the album, lyrically, is intrinsically bound up in the illness and his subsequent recovery, aided in a fabulous fashion by his wife Jane and friends such as Wakeman. Probably the feature of the lyrics that most stands out is the absolute directness of the words Anderson puts across. Whereas, in the past, he has tended to use words as sounds more than messages, sometimes extremely obliquely, on this work, his faith, gratitude, and love of life and the planet shout out loud and clear in lyrics which could never be mistaken other than for what they are.

There are some beautiful moments on this release. The opener, New New World, is a strong track which fairly races along. Unbroken Spirit, a paeon to his own inner strength and faith, is simply superb, with Anderson's voice absolutely scaling the heights of yore and with a musical backing very close to that of later Yes albums. The longest track, The Incoming, clocking in at just under eight minutes, features some wonderful piano and acoustic guitar work, backing a rather lovely reflective vocal, and as the track develops, it moves into another gear and what I can only describe as a symphonic masterpiece very close to some of the marvellous tracks recorded for Change We Must. The "Same Love" passage is amongst the finest I have ever heard from this legend.

Love And Understanding reminds me strongly of the Anderson led material Yes produced on The Ladder, full of joy and relentlessly upbeat thumping rhythms. The album closes with Cloudz, a wonderful track which is perhaps as close in spirit to the best of the work Anderson did with Vangelis, certainly in the sound of the main keyboard backing. If you didn't like this, then you won't particularly enjoy this track. I did, so I do, simple as that really.

My favourite track, though, is Just One Man, a very overtly religious song, sung with such passion and heights, it near moves you to planes that you barely imagined existed. Musically extremely simple, with a mellow piano and soft orchestration backing, the real instrument is Anderson's voice, and it is here that you realise that he is back to using it at its most effective. Quite simply beautiful, and a reaffirmation of all that I enjoy about this man's music.

The remainder are not bad, by any measure of quality. They are, though, not as good and Effortlessly, especially, has the mark of filler written all over it. The one track that many will find difficult to even halfway appreciate is Big Buddha Song. The title is a little misleading, because in this, Anderson actually sings the praises of one Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, and the mystical Earth Mother with whom he has long been associated. It's all very cheerful, but perhaps too direct to appeal to many. It is funny, however, when he moves a massive nod to his erstwhile band colleagues with a rendition of We Have Heaven. It's almost like being back in 1972!

Anderson, by the way, assembled his backing musicians by advertising for contributions on the internet worldwide, and the result is perhaps surprisingly excellent. I cannot put names to all the contributions, but the music is uniformly of a very high standard, and perhaps this is a decent model on which artists can create in the future. It wouldn't be the first time Anderson had led the way musically, by any means.

This album is not a masterpiece. That would be an exaggeration. It is, however, simply wonderful, a hugely enjoyable musical, spiritual, and vocal journey with one of rock's most important contributors, and it is simply fantastic to see and hear him back in such form.

Do not buy this expecting to hear a Yes album. Although Anderson describes himself as the guardian of "Yes Music", this is an album which is far closer to his solo work and collaborations with Vangelis and Wakeman than a full blooded Yes album, although I for one think that had Yes been a bit more patient, this material could well have formed the backbone of a far stronger effort than Fly From Here. Perhaps I'm biased, I don't know, but this is an album to treasure.

Not a masterpiece in the fashion of Olias, but certainly very much up there as the best of an (admittedly) mixed solo career, this fully deserves a four star rating and comes highly recommended.

Quelle: http://www.progarchives.com/album.asp?id=32064

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Re: Jon Anderson - Survival & Other Stories (2010)

Beitrag von SOON »

Die Kritiken welche ich recherchiert habe, sind überwiegend negativ.
Es fehlt den meisten wohl eine passende Schublade.

Amazon hat geschrieben:Welches Publikum will er damit ansprechen? Neue Rockfans hören lieber je nach Anspruch Linkin Park, die Foo Fighters oder Muse. Neue Popfans mit etwas Anspruch hören lieber Clueso oder Peter Fox. Oder Sachen wie The Naked and Famous oder Goldfrapp. Und die Altfans mögen den Yes-Kram eh viel lieber. Vielleicht ist ihm aber auch sowohl Qualität, Innovation als auch kommerzieller Erfolg völlig egal und er einfach in seiner spirituellen Welt schwelgen. Insofern kann man ihm nichts vorenthalten, sondern sogar Respekt entgegenbringen. Wenn er nur nicht so einfallslos wäre...
Für mich hat das oben geschriebene nichts mit den Bewertungskriterien von Musik zu tun.
Gefühle die einem Künstler durch das Leben vermittelt werden, glaubwürdig auszudrücken, ist der wahre Wert einer Musik.
Alle die die Musik ähnlich empfinden, hören ihr auch gerne zu.
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