R.I.P. Chris Squire

Bei Yes: Bassist 1968 - 2015
Instrumente: Bassgitarren und Mundharmonika
Geburtsdatum: 04.03.1948
Geburtsort: London
Sterbedatum: 27.06.2015
Sterbeort: Phoenix
Ehemalige Bands: The Syn, Conspiracy, Squackett

Beiträge: 7665
Registriert: Sa 23. Sep 2006, 16:20

Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von Fragile »

Letzter Beitrag der vorhergehenden Seite:

Sehr schön gemachtes Tribut-Video an Chris, unterlegt mit "Hold Out Your Hand". Es ist allerdings ein kurzer Werbespot abzuwarten.

[BBvideo 360,250][/BBvideo]
He's seen too much of life,
and there's no going back...

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Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von Topographic »

Bei aller Trauer, die wir Fans empfinden - einen wirklichen, harten, schmerzhaften und existenziellen Verlust haben nur seine Familie und seine Freunde erlitten.
Beim Lesen der Worte seiner Frau will der Kloß im Hals nicht weichen:

Message from Scotland Squire: I know there have been so many lovely messages to Xilan and to me and I haven't been able to say anything online or show Xilan how much love she has coming her way because I haven't been able to tell her that her daddy is gone. I just didn't know how to tell her that. I only just told her last night after she asked why I wasn't going back to the hospital to be with her daddy.....and the pain has been unbearable for her. I don't think she knows it's real. I don't even know that I know it is real. I just want everyone sending messages to know I will let Xilan know of every single message that every one of you has sent. I am hoping this will help her heal. All I can say is thank you for all the love. The pain is so unreal right now that I can't breathe, but I will try to find a way to thank everyone for all the love and caring messages. I know that everyone is hurting at this time. So, as much as I am hurting I am also sending my love out to the universe to help those that need it as much as we do.

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Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von JJG »

Wilson hat geschrieben:Das ist meine persönliche Empfindung und ich bitte das zu respektieren.
Gut, wird hiermit von mir respektiert.

Xilian muss ihren Daddy mit tausenden Fans teilen und wird alle möglichen Dinge lesen und sich fragen - war das mein Daddy?
Sie wird dennoch mit Stolz auf den Vater zurückblicken und kann ihren Enkelkindern noch die Platten auflegen. Das ist mein Trost.

Chris hat wohlüberlegt die Dinge geregelt, die ihm wichtig waren, da bin ich mir sicher. Auch wenn es dem einen oder anderen
Fan vielleicht nicht logisch erscheinen wird. Ich glaube seine Wünsche/Hinterlassenschaften hat er wohl abgewogen auch aus
den Erfahrungen die er in den vielen Jahren mit seinem Umfeld gemacht hat. Ich glaube einige Leute werden staunen, wohl bewusst
er kann es nicht allen Leuten recht machen.
"We are truth made in heaven, we are glorious" (Anderson/Stolt 2016)


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Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von SOON »

Die Ạnteilnahme am Tod von Chris ist gigantisch.
In Funk und Fernsehen, allen möglichen Zeitungspublikationen und im Internet, überall!
Der Respekt und die Akzeptanz als Bassist, Songwriter, Bandleader und Musiker ist quer durch alle Musikgenre überwältigend.
MAKE PROG NOT WAR ! ---> ---> My 2023 Album Faves

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Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von JJG »

Mittwoch 24:00 Uhr bzw. Donnerstag 0:00 unserer Zeit wird er eingeäschert.
Zu seinem Andenken sollen die Yes-Fans einen Lieblingssong von ihm oder
Yes abspielen, das möchte seine Frau Scotland.
"We are truth made in heaven, we are glorious" (Anderson/Stolt 2016)


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Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von jomo »

Chris Squire

My best friend and the love of my life Chris Squire will be cremated today in Scottsdale, Arizona at 3:00 pm.
However, knowing Chris, he might be running a bit late for the event; After all, he has always been the 'late' Chris Squire.
So at 3:00 pm Phoenix time, please take a moment to play your favorite Yes or Chris Squire song, or just think of your favorite Chris Squire memory.
Sending my love to all,
Scotland Squire

That´s midnight in Europe.


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Registriert: Sa 23. Sep 2006, 16:20

Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von Fragile »

Ein weiterer, etwas ausführlicherer Nachruf von Geoff Downes (via Facebook):

I have so many wonderful memories of working with Chris and many of those in recent years. We once spent an entire journey after a gig trying to remember all the lyrics to 'my ol man's a dustman' - we eventually gave up on that one! I'll miss seeing him looking across the stage - a wink here and a wink there with that Mephistophelean grin particularly if something had gone slightly awry. He was a legendary bassist, loveable funny guy both on and off the stage. He took bass guitar to another level and inspired thousands of others, the undisputed king of the 4 strings. Many will cite Chris as the reason why they picked up the instrument in the first place. We became close over the last few years, and spent a lot of time together socially as well as on the tours. He was always greatly entertaining with his countless tales of rock and roll, and his own personal spin on life. Despite his imposing figure, he had a really soft, gentle and charitable side. Always magnanimous to band, crew and fans alike. Although essentially captain of the YES ship he displayed very much a laissez-faire attitude towards the band and a nonchalance to life in general. I am eternally grateful that he was a great advocate of my playing and encouraged my own musical contributions. I learnt an enormous amount and gained great confidence from his support. Many of the funny stories were from airports. His lateness was famous. Back on the Drama tour, we had a private jet and suitcases were always collected early from outside hotel room. Chris had somehow packed his trousers and shirt, turned up at the airport and got on the plane wearing just a long jacket and underpants. 'Sorry I'm late' he said, without the slightest hint anything was untoward. Another time we were all waiting to go on stage and - no Chris. Thus followed a panic to find out where he was. He had apparently fallen asleep in the bath and had to get the fire marshall to break down his hotel room door. We ended up taking the stage an hour late, with Chris arriving asking 'is there a problem'? But one thing for sure is that he always delivered. The stage was his world. His attention to the minutest details of the music was immense - you certainly couldn't get away with playing the wrong inversions of the chords anywhere, or anything out of line. He would come over with his inimitable casual fashion and point out ’that’s not quite right’. As a person he loved life to the full - a glass of wine, fine food, tennis, motor racing, and an enthusiast for everything musical. His thunderous bass rig with the sub Taurus pedals rattling the stages was legendary - the ‘wall of doom' as it was known housing some 30 speakers dominating an entire side of the stage. He was one of the few bassists who had the audacity to pick up a triple-necked instrument without the slightest hint of irony, and, probably the only one who could actually play the bloody thing! A musician’s musician. A genius. I'm going to miss him greatly.

Gäbe es vielleicht eine Möglichkeit, Scotland Squire und der Familie auch eine persönliche Kondolenz im Namen aller User dieses Forums zukommen zu lassen? Ist mir beim Durchlesen von Topo's letztem Posting so durch den Kopf gegangen. Soweit ich mich erinnere, hatte Nina seinerzeit öfters mit ihr gechattet oder per E-Mail kommuniziert. Es müsste vielleicht jemand noch Nina deswegen kontaktieren.
He's seen too much of life,
and there's no going back...

Member Z
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Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von Member Z »

Fragile hat geschrieben:
Gäbe es vielleicht eine Möglichkeit, Scotland Squire und der Familie auch eine persönliche Kondolenz im Namen aller User dieses Forums zukommen zu lassen? Ist mir beim Durchlesen von Topo's letztem Posting so durch den Kopf gegangen. Soweit ich mich erinnere, hatte Nina seinerzeit öfters mit ihr gechattet oder per E-Mail kommuniziert. Es müsste vielleicht jemand noch Nina deswegen kontaktieren.
Ich finde, das ist eine gute Ideè. Der Familie sollte man jeden einfühlsamen Trost zukommen lassen.

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Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von JJG »

Man kann sich hier äußern. Ich habe das schon gestern getan. Bis ganz unten scrollen.
Diese Kommentare werden von Xilian und Scottland gelesen.
"We are truth made in heaven, we are glorious" (Anderson/Stolt 2016)


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Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von JJG »

Ich hab da jetzt auch noch einen Link zu unserem Trauer-Thread gesetzt.
"We are truth made in heaven, we are glorious" (Anderson/Stolt 2016)


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Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von AndreasG »

Weiss jemand wann und auf welchem Konzert er da mit dem (seinem?) Kind tanzt bzw es fliegen lässt?
Echt süsse Bilder...der Tanzbär Chris...

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