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[NEWS!] Alan White

Verfasst: Sa 13. Feb 2010, 13:10
von JJG
Alan wird im May im London-Camp in London sein.

Weitere "Größen" sind u.a. Nick Mason und Jack Bruce.
Weitere Infos findet Ihr hier:

Re: Alan White - News

Verfasst: Do 2. Sep 2010, 16:59
von Topographic
Alan hat seine Band "White" wieder reformiert ( und tritt auch wieder live auf - nun mit Sängerin. Auf der White-HP gibt's auch zwei Songs aus dem White-Album zum kostenlosen Download. Sind allerdings nicht so prickelnd - aber allemal anhörenswert!

Re: Alan White - News

Verfasst: Di 7. Sep 2010, 16:20
von Member X
topographic hat geschrieben:Alan hat seine Band "White" wieder reformiert ( und tritt auch wieder live auf - nun mit Sängerin. Auf der White-HP gibt's auch zwei Songs aus dem White-Album zum kostenlosen Download. Sind allerdings nicht so prickelnd - aber allemal anhörenswert!
Na ja, ich sag mal, auf den Ersten "Hinhörer" nicht uninteressant. Sollte man durchaus mal setzen lassen.

Re: Alan White - News

Verfasst: Mo 27. Sep 2010, 20:00
von Topographic
Im neuformierten "WHITE"-Line-Up sind mit der Sängerin Robyn Dawn und dem Keyboarder Jonathan Sindelman nun zwei Mitglieder der YES-Tributeband "Parallels" dabei (scheint in Mode zu kommen). Hier stellt Alan die neu formierte Band vor.


Einen Bericht vom ersten Konzert am 11. September 2010 kopiere ich mal in der Originalsprache ein:

This past Saturday, September 11th, White and his retooled version of his latest project “White” performed a free outdoor show at Lake Boren in Newcastle to the delight of several hundred fans in attendance.

The current line up is comprised of Karl Haug, guitar and vocals, Jonathan Sindelman, keyboards and vocals, Steve Boyce, bass and vocals, Robyn Dawn on lead vocals, and of course, White on drums. Dawn is the newest addition, making her debut with the group. The band was augmented by a three piece horn section consisting of "Skinny" Lynn Cook on trombone, Darryl Estes on saxophone and Dave Wileikson on trumpet.

Before the show started, the mayor of Newcastle, John Dulcich proclaimed September 12th officially Alan White Day going forward. Interestingly enough, White is from Newcastle, England - affectionately known as “The Toon.” White has made the Pacific Northwest his home for over 30 years

The show consisted several selections off of the groups LP “White,” A couple of Yes classics, “Owner of a Lonely Heart” and “Roundabout.” These are standards that can be heard at any Yes show or any of the number of shows that White participates in throughout the course of the year.

What was most interesting was not the Yes or Lennon tunes that the group performed, but rather the original material from their self-titled LP.

The show opened up with “Tomorrow Never Knows,” followed by “Beyond the Sea of Lies.” The group then launched into the uplifting and catchy, “Give Up Giving Up.” This particular number was one of the highlights of the concert. Vocalist Dawn, who has tremendous soul and range, breathed new life into this number. The song also featured the amazing guitar work from Haug.
Haug is a skilled guitarist, and uses great tones and plays very tastefully, leaving plenty of space in between notes. What makes his work compelling is the fact that he knows when not to play, and does not clutter up the sonic space. This allows room for White’s signature fills, as well as keyboardist Sindleman and bassist Boyce to round out the sound and fill in the spaces at the proper time.

The band then played the signature Yes tune “Owner of a Lonely Heart” - complete with the trademark sampled James Brown horn punches. White told the crowd that he has played the song at least 2,000 times throughout his career. This was their most commercially successful song, and no Yes or White show would be complete without it.

Next came “Mighty Love,” “Crazy Believer,” and another Yes song off of the 90125 LP, “Changes.” “Changes” is always interesting because of the different time signatures and tempo changes…not to mention the double meaning of the title and the lyrical story.

After “Changes,” the band performed “Living In the Sun” and an energetic rendition of “Waterhole,” which allowed Dawn to stretch out vocally and soar above the tight instrumental bed.

“Waterhole” was followed by “I Got News” - the John Lennon and Plastic Ono Band classic – as well as “Instant Karma,” “New Day” and the beautiful “Imagine” – which White recorded with Lennon at age 20.

The show finished up on a high note with the Yes signature “Roundabout.” This brought the outdoor crowd off their lawn chairs and blankets to their feet.

Yes is one of the most skilled group of musicians ever to pick up instruments. They have inspired other music artists to not only pick up an instrument, but to become technically and artistically proficient.

The musicians that played along White this past weekend are accomplished in their own right. In terms of skill and passion, they are in the same league as the classic Yes line up of Steve Howe, Rick Wakeman, Jon Anderson and Chris Squire. That said, they bring their own flavor and style to the classic Yes songs and original "White" songs.

The band has to be commended for bringing Dawn into the fold and going in a different vocal direction, as opposed to going with a Jon Anderson or Peter Gabriel sound alike. Dawn has strong chops and delivers songs that she has not written herself from the heart. She has stage presence and charisma to hold the attention of a live audience.

With the amount of collective talent in the group, the possibilities for compelling music are unlimited, and I’m looking forward to future performances and new releases from this band.

Re: Alan White - News

Verfasst: Mo 27. Sep 2010, 20:43
von Member X
Interesssssant. Und im full screen Modus richtig gut ansehbar (damit es aber nicht immer zum Zwischenladen unterbricht am besten erst mal komplett laden lassen und dann nochmal starten).

Re: Alan White - News

Verfasst: Mo 3. Jan 2011, 22:07
von Topographic
Tony Levin kündigt ein gemeinsames Projekt mit Alan White an. Er sei "midway in a cool musical project with drummer Alan White". Klingt interessant - ich bin gespannt auf weitere Infos.

Re: Alan White - News

Verfasst: Fr 24. Jun 2011, 17:48
von Topographic
topographic hat geschrieben:Tony Levin kündigt ein gemeinsames Projekt mit Alan White an. Er sei "midway in a cool musical project with drummer Alan White". Klingt interessant - ich bin gespannt auf weitere Infos.
Auf seiner HP schreibt TL, dass das Album mit Alan White und dem Gitarristen David Torn nun im Kasten sei und im Herbst veröffentlicht wird. Schöne Aussichten!

Re: Alan White - News

Verfasst: So 3. Jul 2011, 23:03
von Fragile
topographic hat geschrieben:Auf seiner HP schreibt TL, dass das Album mit Alan White und dem Gitarristen David Torn nun im Kasten sei und im Herbst veröffentlicht wird. Schöne Aussichten!
Bin mal sehr gespannt, ob Tony mit Alan genauso gut wie mit Bruford, Pat Mastelotto, Manu Katché oder dem Drummer auf PG's "Growing Up"-Tour (Name ist mir gerade entfallen) harmoniert.

Re: Alan White - News

Verfasst: Mi 10. Aug 2011, 19:41
von Topographic
Das Album von Tony Levin, David Torn und Alan White wird unter dem schlichten Titel "Levin - Thorn - White" am 13. September 2011 veröffentlicht und 14 Titel enthalten. Vertrieben wird das Album zunächst über Levins Webseite, Preorder beginnt am 28.08.11, die ersten tausend CDs sind von den Musikern signiert. Hörproben gibt's leider noch keine - aber das ist ein Album, worauf ich mich wirklich freue! Vielleicht ein Nachfolger zu Upper Extremities - dem Vergleich muss sich Alan White stellen...

Re: Alan White - News

Verfasst: Mi 10. Aug 2011, 21:49
von BBQ.Master
Ich bin gespannt!