YES - Yessongs at 50 - 2023 Remaster - Part One Complete

Studio- und Livealben , Konzertfilme, Compilation etc.

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YES - Yessongs at 50 - 2023 Remaster - Part One Complete

Beitrag von jomo »

one of the greatest live albums of all time, remastered and uncut in 2023

"I am glad that you all like this new recreated, remastered and uncut version of this amazing live album. This project took three people many hours to complete and the results are amazing. You wouldn't believe how many edits were required to blend it all together. Some songs were amalgams from different shows which were edited together by Eddie Offord originally. I the case of Heart of the Sunrise even the introduction to the song was from a show different to the song itself. This time we also chose to leave in the band chatter between songs and to also present full unedited versions of each song. Wouldn't it be amazing if the band were to release something like this on vinyl."

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Registriert: So 9. Mär 2008, 16:20
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Re: YES - Yessongs at 50 - 2023 Remaster - Part One Complete

Beitrag von SOON »

mal sehen was das wird.
Lieber hätte ich gute Liveaufnahmen von den Folgejahren denn die Yessongsphase ist gut durch die Progeny Box abgedeckt.
MAKE PROG NOT WAR ! ---> ---> My 2023 Album Faves

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Re: YES - Yessongs at 50 - 2023 Remaster - Part One Complete

Beitrag von nixe »

Oder die Zeit mit Bill an den Drums!

Musik hat die Fähigkeit uns geistig, körperlich & emotional zu beeinflussen!

!!!I like Prog!!!

!!!Wenn die Sonne der Kultur niedrig steht, werfen selbst Zwerge lange Schatten!!!

Beiträge: 11582
Registriert: So 9. Mär 2008, 16:20
Has thanked: 453 times
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Re: YES - Yessongs at 50 - 2023 Remaster - Part One Complete

Beitrag von SOON »

MAKE PROG NOT WAR ! ---> ---> My 2023 Album Faves

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