Yes cover band in Germany

YES-Tributebands, Coverversionen, YES-Cover, YES Mash-ups, YESMusic in Filmen etc.

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Yes cover band in Germany

Beitrag von jomo »

My band plays some Yes songs live. We play Yours is no disgrace. Roundabout. And You and I. Clap. Mood for a Day. Long distance Runaround. The Wakeman Medley from Yessongs at our shows.
If you fancy hearing these song live, come along to one of our gigs !
here´s a link to my page where you can hear some sound samples. and click on ´Anyway `


ps: if you can sing like Jon Anderson ( male or female ) and fancy singing Yessongs live with a band here in Germany, mail me.

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Re: Yes cover band in Germany

Beitrag von JJG »

Welcome Jomo,

thx for information! There are some tour-dates without "Seconds Out" in Germany?

For dates, events and so on we have this area:

please post there.

Best wishes
"We are truth made in heaven, we are glorious" (Anderson/Stolt 2016)


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Re: Yes cover band in Germany

Beitrag von Aprilfrost »

Thanks for writing, Jomo. Where do your gigs take place?

Member X
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Re: Yes cover band in Germany

Beitrag von Member X »

Hey John!

Simply: [smilie=yourock.gif]

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Re: Yes cover band in Germany

Beitrag von Royale »

Hey Jomo,

thanks for joining our website! I'm sure that there are some people interested in your live gigs, so it might be a good idea, if you post them in the section that JJG has just mentioned:
(Konzerttermine = Live dates)

Anyway, enjoy yourself 8-)

Best Regards

Leb in meiner Welt

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Registriert: Mo 16. Nov 2009, 11:27
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Re: Yes cover band in Germany

Beitrag von jomo »

thx for information! There are some tour-dates without "Seconds Out" in Germany?
The tour date for Seconds Out can be found here :

I´ve talked to the band ( Seconds Out ) about Anyway opening for `us ` and there is a possibility of that next year in Feb. The next double bill in the works for Seconds Out is a possible `Echoes `and `Seconds Out`perform the music of Pink Floyd and Genesis in Aschaffenburg in summer 2010

Anyway are based in and around Giessen in Hessen. But we´re open to traveling - if you have a club in your area where you think what were doing will work, let me know and I´ll try and get a gig there.
ps I forgot to mention we also play Heart of the Sunrise !

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Beiträge: 157
Registriert: Mo 16. Nov 2009, 11:27
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Re: Yes cover band in Germany

Beitrag von jomo »


If you would like to learn how to play Siberian Khatru on guitar, visit my YouTube site for a guide.


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