YES - Songs : Musik im Filmen, im Fernsehen, in Werbung

YES-Tributebands, Coverversionen, YES-Cover, YES Mash-ups, YESMusic in Filmen etc.

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Registriert: Mo 16. Nov 2009, 11:27
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Re: YES - Songs : Musik im Filmen, im Fernsehen, in Werbung

Beitrag von jomo »

Letzter Beitrag der vorhergehenden Seite:

Here´s a tune from the very, very funny `Cradle to the Grave´recent BBC tv series. YES were featured several times throughout the series ( it is set in the 70`s ) , but this scene where the boy leaves school early because he wants to have an affair with the schools French photography / art teacher ( The Amazing Miss Blondel ) is a classic example of how the songtext fit perfectly into the dialogue on screen. Watch from the beginning of the scene and see how the lyrics come in just as his dream comes true
" A man conceives a moment ( wanting sex with his art teacher ) answers to a dream" ( she invites him to stay over, now he´s no longer a schoolboy )
Watch the whole scene from 10.38 onwards. ( it has subtitles )



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Registriert: Sa 23. Sep 2006, 16:20

Re: YES - Songs : Musik im Filmen, im Fernsehen, in Werbung

Beitrag von Fragile »

"Roundabout" als Abspanns-Musik der japanischen Anime-Serie "JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken" ("JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure").

He's seen too much of life,
and there's no going back...

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Re: YES - Songs : Musik im Filmen, im Fernsehen, in Werbung

Beitrag von Topographic »

Manchmal schau ich mir auch eine Rom Com an. Hier sind die besten Stellen (im Trailer) mit YESMusik unterlegt. Kommt im November in unsere Kinos.


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