Yes auf Europa-Tour 2011

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Re: Yes auf Europa-Tour 2011

Beitrag von JJG »

Letzter Beitrag der vorhergehenden Seite:

Ich hoffe, vor allem für meine Tochter, auf ein Live-Album der aktuelle Tour.
Ich brauche keine x-te Live-Version von Roundabout, aber die neuen Songs
hätte ich gern in einer Live-Version.

@ number nine - Alan hat auf der Tour wirklich gut gespielt, zumindest in Dresden
und Nürnberg. In 2009 schien er mir ein wenig müde zu sein, kann aber mit dem
Jet-Leg zusammenhängen. Ich hab mal gelesen, dass Alan das nicht so gut wegsteckt.
Er wohnt ja in Seattle.
"We are truth made in heaven, we are glorious" (Anderson/Stolt 2016)


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Re: Yes auf Europa-Tour 2011

Beitrag von pink-nice »

JJG hat geschrieben:Ich hoffe, vor allem für meine Tochter, auf ein Live-Album der aktuelle Tour.
Ich brauche keine x-te Live-Version von Roundabout, aber die neuen Songs
hätte ich gern in einer Live-Version.
Kommt ja alles...aber ohne Roundabout ist sehr unwahrscheinlich.

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Registriert: Di 18. Aug 2009, 14:53

Re: Yes auf Europa-Tour 2011

Beitrag von DocFederfeld »

Hier noch eine Meinung, die ich bei DIME zu Kopenhagen gefunden habe:
This gig was nothing short of a disaster. Please don´t get me wrong - I love Yes, I love the new album, I love Benoit David´s singing on that album, but this night in Copenhagen his singing was so incredibly awful that people in the venue started making fun of him, and some even left after a couple of songs.

I don´t know why they played. I thought more of Squire/Howe than to play a gig where the singer is obviously not well. Had it been another band like, say, Motorhead I wouldn´t have cared much. But with Yes the vocals are as important as all the other instruments.

They should have cancelled, as they have done now with the rest of the tour. To my dismay they didn´t, and I was left heartbroken after many of my favourite songs were shattered to pieces.

That being said, I actually did enjoy watching Geoff Downes (and, as a consequence, 4/5 of the Drama-lineup). That was nice. But this gig should never have happened.

The sample below is a film of Fly from here, the complete song. It was the only song during the entire show that came close to sounding ok. I shot it with my Xperia and replaced the sound with this recording. If nothing else, listen for the cool parts by Geoff.

A sad day. I hope the band returns with either a singer that can cut it or with Jon, farfetched as that may be. I have nothing against Benoit David at all, but he ruined this gig for me.

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Registriert: Di 16. Nov 2004, 21:31

Re: Yes auf Europa-Tour 2011

Beitrag von hans »

Ham wer schon das offizielle Statement zu den gestrichenen Konzerten irgendwo?

Wenn nicht:

December 14, 2011—Prog rock band YES have been forced to cancel the last 3 shows on their European tour due to illness. Benoit David, lead singer with the group, has been hit by an extreme case of laryngitis together with an ear infection and high fever and was advised by doctors not to speak, sing or travel until the infection is under control.

The band are bitterly disappointed and are really sorry that they have to let their fans down.

The 3 shows that have been cancelled are:

Sun 11th Helsinki, Finland Circus
Mon 12th Tallin, Estonia Nokia Concert Hall
Thu 15th Moscow, Russia Crocus City Hall

Quelle: Yesworld

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Re: Yes auf Europa-Tour 2011

Beitrag von Aprilfrost »

Laryngitis. Das erklärt natürlich alles. :cry:

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Re: Yes auf Europa-Tour 2011

Beitrag von SOON »

Ein Super-Gau für jeden Sänger! :shock:
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Re: Yes auf Europa-Tour 2011

Beitrag von hans »

Ich hoffe nur, dass sich diese Kehlkopfentzündung (!) jetzt in Ruhe auskurieren lässt und nichts unwiederbringlich versaut ist. Die nächsten Gigs sind zum Glück erst im April. Benoit schleppte sich ja schon auf der Sommer-Tour mehr schlecht als recht durch, auch da stimmte schon was nicht. Man sollte jetzt nicht den nächsten Sänger verschleißen.

Ich drücke die Daumen, dass das wieder wird und die Fans in Neuseeland und Australien eine starke Band mit gesundem Benoit David erleben.

Beiträge: 162
Registriert: Sa 28. Okt 2006, 16:20

Re: Yes auf Europa-Tour 2011

Beitrag von pink-nice »

hans hat geschrieben:
Ich drücke die Daumen, dass das wieder wird und die Fans in Neuseeland und Australien eine starke Band mit gesundem Benoit David erleben.
Yeahhhhhhhhh.....und so lange erfreuen wir uns an seiner sehr guten Leistung auf "Live from Lyon"

Member Y
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Re: Yes auf Europa-Tour 2011

Beitrag von Member Y »

Das relativiert natürlich den Bielefeldauftritt.

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Re: Yes auf Europa-Tour 2011

Beitrag von Fragile »

Hier das offizielle Statement von Geoff Downes zu den ausgefallenen Konzerten (aufgeschnappt bei "Yes - Where Are They Now"):

There’s been a lot of activity surrounding this subject, so I thought it is worthwhile setting the record straight from my own perspective.

Yes, of course we had a sick vocalist. That was pretty damn obvious from the 3 Scandinavian shows. It was the doctor’s & Benoit’s call that he was unable to complete the last 3 shows. It simply wasn’t getting any better. I think the right decision was made.

However, some of the yealots have used this opportunity to try to whip up some anti-feelings towards the current lineup. This really is a cheap shot. [...] I do take exception to the volume of abuse and sheer nastiness leveled at our lead vocalist by some of the ‘so-called’ fans over here. Some of it is really quite unpleasant and personal.

But anyways, let’s deal with facts…It is not uncommon for artists to cancel dates, particularly as a result of strain or illness to a vocalist. U2, Adele, Duran Duran, George Michael and many others have all cancelled dates this year on these grounds. It has nothing to do with band internal problems, ‘low ticket sales’, or any such thing as some of the misguided fools have surmised. The voice is a delicate instrument. You don’t just go into a music store and buy another one, like you can do with any other instrument. No, the voice is a unique part of a person’s physiology and hence is potentially an extremely unpredictable entity, based on the general health and demeanour of that person or the strain and stress he or she is subjected to. Over the course of a tour this can manifest itself in a number of ways. It can also transcend into the psychological world – the vocalist knows he/she has problems physically and the safety valve stops them going for the notes. But as in any medical condition, no case is identical.
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Re: Yes auf Europa-Tour 2011

Beitrag von Fragile »

Hier eine schöne Fotogalerie vom Konzert in Birmingham am Elften Elften Elf. :mrgreen: ;)
He's seen too much of life,
and there's no going back...

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