"Fly from here" / Diskussionsthread

veröffentlicht: 22.06.2011

Benoit David ; Geoff Downes ; Steve Howe ; Chris Squire ; Alan White

Der Teemeister
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Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von Der Teemeister »

Letzter Beitrag der vorhergehenden Seite:

In der Tat war aber erst Trevor "drin"
welcher der beiden? :mrgreen: Wollte Horn etwa auch singen?
Dann hätten wir endlich "SOME MORE DRAMA". Mich würde es
freuen. Dann müßte jetzt der David Benoit hinschmeißen; dass wäre
dann wie in der Bundesliga. Aus den Resten könnten sich Genesis mit
Banks und Rutherford neu gründen. Und Rabin an den Keyboards - bei YES -
wäre wirklich einmal interessant. Der European-leg der aktuellen Tour mit Horn
und Downess statt Oliver und David, - ich fänd`s großartig ...

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Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von MelloKey »

Der Teemeister hat geschrieben:Squire, zu sich: "Mist, Oliver ist raus. Rufe ich Patrick an? Mist, der bekommt noch viel Geld von der Solo-Alben-Tour ... Igor geht auch nicht, der hat ja unterschrieben: "out for ever", Tony - nee, der spielt nur die olle Hammond, Eddie Jobson will nicht, Trevor Rabin wäre ein guter Keyboarder, aber dann will er auch Gitarre spielen, und dann gibt es Ärger mit Steve ... bleibt nur noch entweder Rick himself, aber der kommt nur, wenn Jon auch kommt ... also Geoff! Heureka, Geoff! Schatz, wie war noch die Telefonnummer von Trevor Horn? Der müsste doch wissen, wo Geoff gerade steckt? Schatz? Ach, Mist, die wollte ja Fats Domino draussen in den outskirts wegen des Autogrammes besuchen ... :mrgreen:
Der war gut :lol:.

Wie steht´s eigentlich mit Tom Brislin? Den fand ich auf der Yessymphonic-Tour richtig klasse.
Der Teemeister hat geschrieben:welcher der beiden? :mrgreen: Wollte Horn etwa auch singen?
Dann hätten wir endlich "SOME MORE DRAMA".
Genau. DRAMA, BABY, DRAMA :mrgreen: !!!

Nach allem, was man inzwischen in Interviews liest (dass Geoff Downes nun doch "auf den meisten Stücken" die Keyboards spielen wird anstatt nur auf dem Buggles-Titelstück "Fly From Here"), würde es mich nicht wundern, wenn plötzlich Trevor Horn statt Benoit David singen würde :roll:. "Drama" ist eines meiner Lieblings-Yes-Alben, ich finde es begnadet, aber ob sich das heute wiederholen ließe?

Was Trevor Rabin betrifft, wollen sich laut übereinstimmenden Aussagen Jon und Rick mit ihm für musikalische Projekte zusammentun. Das fände ich klasse und würde es begrüßen. Dann hätten sie einen Gitarristen und bräuchten nur noch einen Drummer, und dann hätten wir dieselbe Situation wie mit ABWH...

Es bleibt spannend!

Der Teemeister
Beiträge: 1531
Registriert: Sa 12. Mär 2011, 12:01
Wohnort: Leipzig

Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von Der Teemeister »

Drama" ist eines meiner Lieblings-Yes-Alben, ich finde es begnadet
ich liebe DRAMA auch, für mich die drittbeste YES-Scheibe!

ber ob sich das heute wiederholen ließe?
glaube ich nicht, dass war die verrückte post-punk Zeit,
wo so was ging. Trevor Horn würde auch nicht wollen,
der hat noch heute Alpträume davon ...
Was Trevor Rabin betrifft, wollen sich laut übereinstimmenden Aussagen Jon und Rick mit ihm für musikalische Projekte zusammentun. Das fände ich klasse und würde es begrüßen. Dann hätten sie einen Gitarristen und bräuchten nur noch einen Drummer, und dann hätten wir dieselbe Situation wie mit ABWH...
Mike Rutherford oder Tony Levin am Bass
WorcaPhilwholic Collins an den drums

und fertig wären:


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Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von Member X »

White says 'YES' to Zeiterion Theatre

http://www.heraldnews.com/entertainment ... on-Theatre

By Jessica A. Botelho
Zeiterion Writer

Zwar spricht Alan auch über andere Themen, aber im Kern geht es wohl um das neue Album - wenn auch dazu nicht wirklich Facts kundgetan werden.

Grammy award-winning progressive rock band, YES, will perform at the Zeiterion Performing Arts Center in New Bedford on March 29 at 8 p.m. YES’s performance will include the hugely successful and indelible catalogue of music from hit albums such as Fragile, Close to the Edge, Drama, and 90125. Tickets are on-sale now for members only by phone or in person at the box office. All tickets are priced at $79, $65, and $49. The Zeiterion Performing Arts Center’s box office is located at 684 Purchase St., New Bedford. For more information, visit http://www.zeiterion.org.

Read more: http://www.heraldnews.com/archive/x6980 ... z1HV672ajh

NEW BEDFORD — As a member of the progressive rock band YES for nearly 40 years, drummer Alan White said while he doesn’t think they have ever performed in New Bedford, they are eager to play at the Zeiterion Theatre on Tuesday, March 29, as part of their “Rite of Spring” tour. For the brief tour, they will be performing in smaller venues, as they want to share hits like, “Owner of a Lonely Heart,” and “Roundabout,” with audiences in intimate settings.

“I’m looking forward to playing there and seeing all the fans,” he said. “I don’t think we’re going to do any of the new music because the album isn’t finished, but we’ll be playing a mixture of songs that the band really loves to play and the fans love to hear, so hopefully everybody enjoys it.”

While the album is yet to be mixed and mastered, they wrapped up the recording process a few weeks ago. White said the sessions were “very good,” and anticipates it will hit stores by July. They were originally going to title it, “Weekend Fly,” but went with, “Fly From Here.”
“We always banter around with names,” White laughed. “It’s usually the last thing we decide on and it’s funny because one of the first things people ask you is, ‘what’s the name of the album?’”

In addition to being their first album in ten years, it’s also their debut recording with Oliver Wakeman on keys, as well as Benoit David, on vocals, who both joined in 2008 and have been performing with White, along with longtime members, bassist Chris Squire and guitarist Steve Howe, ever since.

White said the chemistry of the band is solid, as is the new music. Their friend, former band mate, YES collaborator, and celebrated rock producer, Trevor Horn, produced “Fly From Here,” and influenced a lot of their latest material.

“He is a great songwriter,” said White. “The writing process was pretty much driven by him, (Squire) and (Howe), with the other guys making contributions. We’ve been playing with each other for so many years and it’s really professional. We work together to achieve our goal.”
One of the main reasons White said he has stayed in the band so long is because he believes they know how to keep their sound fresh and exciting. After become a member in 1972, he enjoys being part of a band that “wants to create new music all the time.”

“It’s one of those groups that’s always looking for something new on the horizon,” he said. “With pretty much every album we make, there’s a movement forward from what the band sounds like. We’re always looking for different opportunities.”

Before he became a musician, White planned to study architecture at a technical college in England. However, playing in bands at gigs since he was 13 took up most of his time, as he was focused on improving his musical skills and building a reputation as a qualified drummer.

In 1969, when White was just 20, former Beatle John Lennon asked him to perform with the Plastic Ono Band. White agreed and the concert was recorded, becoming the successful album, “Live Peace in Toronto.” He also played on the “Imagine” album, and was featured on the single, “Instant Karma.”

“John actually took me under his wing,” White said. “He liked being around me and he liked the way I played. He used to tell me. ‘Alan, whatever you’re playing, just keep playing it because it sounds good.’”

Lennon introduced him to George Harrison, and White performed on Harrison’s “All Things Must Pass” album. He said working on the album was quite the experience.

“When I was recording with (Harrison), about 15 people came into the studio everyday and picked up instruments, and it was like a regular group with him as the leader,” he said. “It was a lot of fun. Playing with them was a stepping stone in my career.”

White said he is grateful he has gotten the chance to work with acclaimed musicians, including the members of YES. He’s pleased to be on the road with them again.

“I especially love playing with a group of talented musicians like this,” he said. “They make it interesting. I’ve been doing it for so long it’s part of my life. I wouldn’t know what to do if I wasn’t playing music on stage.”

The Zeiterion’s box office is located at 684 Purchase St., New Bedford. Tickets are priced at $65 and $49. Box Office Hours: Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and one hour before each performance. For more information, visit http://www.zeiterion.org.

Copyright 2011 The Herald News. Some rights reserved

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Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von Member X »

Mal ein interessanter Aspekt:

Ursprünglich hieß es mal, dass Steve und Oliver an Material arbeiten (2009). Nun kommen ja übrig gebliebene Songs aus der Vergangenheit zusammen mit Geoff ins Spiel. Was soll man sich nun für das neue Album vorstellen?


Yes are on tour as Chris Squire, Steve Howe, Alan White, Benoît David and Oliver Wakeman. In an Oct 2009 interview, Squire said, "This is now Yes." In a Jul 2010 interview, Howe said, "This is the working Yes. You can have all the other lineups you like in your mind, but this is the line up that actually goes out and does the work. We're the perpetuation, the continuation, and the saga of Yes." The band are touring through 2011.

The band have recorded a new studio album, tentatively called Fly from Here and discussed in greater detail below, with Trevor Horn producing and co-writing. Release summer 2011 is planned. Geoff Downes (Asia, ex-Yes) returns to play most of the keys on the new album. There have been rumours that Downes is to entirely replace O. Wakeman in the band, but Wakeman is playing on the band's current Rite of Spring tour (see immediately below). (Oliver's dad, Rick Wakeman, has reportedly denied Oliver is leaving.)

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Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von Member X »

Und die Gerüchteküche brodelt weiter:

In dem Buch von Chris Welch, "Close To The Edge", steht, dass Bill Bruford bei den Sessions von "We Can Fly From Here" Schlagzeug spielte. Die Angabe findet sich auch unter:


"Meanwhile, Horn and Downes, who had been working together for some years, had recently found success with the single "Video Killed the Radio Star" from the Buggles' debut album, The Age of Plastic. Booked into the next door studio as Yes (or what was left of Yes) and sharing the same manager in Lane, the two bands soon met. Horn and Downes were both huge Yes fans and Horn soon tried to sell Yes a song, entitled "We Can Fly from Here". Squire was interested and there was a session with Horn, Downes, Squire and Bill Bruford to try the song. (Why Bruford? It appears that White was temporarily unavailable and Bruford was filling in.)"

Jetzt warte ich nur noch drauf, bis endlich herauskommt, dass Rick auf der neuen Scheibe singen wird :lol:

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Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von Member X »

Da purzeln die "Infos" ja gerade mal so:

http://www.theweekender.com/music/Affir ... -2011.html

Affirmative action

by Nikki M. Mascali
Weekender Editor

Since 1968, English prog-rock outfit Yes has had dozens of songs become cornerstones of classic rock, songs like “Yours Is No Disgrace,” “Roundabout” and “Owner of a Lonely Heart” are just a few that come to mind.

While the band — bassist Chris Squire, guitarist Steve Howe, drummer Alan White, keyboardist Oliver Wakeman and vocalist Benoit David — is putting the finishing touches on “Fly From Here,” its first album in 10 years, fans can expect just songs from the previous 40 years when Yes touches down at Penn’s Peak in Jim Thorpe Wednesday, March 30.

Anmerkung: Also doch Oliver an den Keys???

“On this particular tour, we’re not doing anything from the (new) album mainly because it isn’t all finished,” Squire told the Weekender recently from a tour stop in New Orleans. “It won’t be finished until the end of April. We’re not really at that level yet where we can play anything live — you’ll have to wait for the summer for that; Styx will be with us, and it’ll kick off July 4.”

“Fly From Here” is also the first album that will feature David, who originally stepped in when longtime vocalist Jon Anderson was diagnosed with acute respiratory failure in 2008. David was named permanent vocalist in 2009.

“He’s been very well accepted,” Squire said. “Most of the fans now seem to be behind him, they like him, it’s going well. He’s done a lot of singing, of course, on the new album, and he’s doing very well with that, too.”

Since he and Anderson formed the band in 1968, Squire has been the only constant member of Yes.

“Well, Yes has had a reputation of being a revolving door of having had many personnel changes over the years,” he said, chuckling. “It takes a while of touring and writing together for things to start really feeling solid. I definitely feel we’re at that stage, so everything is going in the right direction.”

Squire sees those lineup changes as one reason Yes has lasted for more than 40 years.

“Obviously talent is involved in it, but also a large degree of luck is involved as well,” he said. “Most marriages don’t last 40 years, and the band always is getting a refresher course, I guess, when we get new members in with new ideas, et cetera.”

But for “Fly From Here’s” title track, Yes actually looked to the past: The band started working on the song in 1980.

“We just now kind of put it into the shape we wanted to do,” Squire shared. “It started as a six-minute song, but now we’ve turned it into a 20-plus minute piece of music that’s kind of going to be the pivotal track on the album.”

Anmerkung: Was passiert, wenn man zu einer Tasse Tee zwei Tassen Wasser schüttet???

Roger Dean will design the cover. The artist, who began working with Yes on 1971’s “Fragile,” revolutionized album covers as art, something that has changed since the advent of CDs and digital music.

“Obviously, the physical size of the music package became shrunk, and the more intricate artwork becomes miniature sized and isn’t as impressive as it used to be on a 12-inch cover,” Squire said. “I’m sure Roger is aware of these practices, presumably you make a slightly different kind of art for a smaller package, but I think we’ll definitely release the album on vinyl as well.”

Squire spoke candidly about his relationship with former bandmate Anderson, who is currently on an acoustic tour billed “An Acoustic Evening with Jon Anderson (The Voice of Yes).”

“We always exchange Christmas cards,” Squire began with a hearty laugh, “but I haven’t spoken to him recently. I don’t have any problem with communicating with him, I believe he’s doing very well and is a lot more recovered from his respiratory problems he was having, so that’s good news.

“It wouldn’t be out of the question that we would do something with him again in the future, but we’ve got to get at least another year and promote this new album before we turn to any special guesting from Jon — but it’s not impossible to happen.”

Anmerkung: Jon nur mehr als Gast möglich???

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Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von Aprilfrost »

soundmunich hat geschrieben: “It wouldn’t be out of the question that we would do something with him again in the future, but we’ve got to get at least another year and promote this new album before we turn to any special guesting from Jon — but it’s not impossible to happen.”

Anmerkung: Jon nur mehr als Gast möglich???
Das finde ich allerdings auch verwunderlich, Gast im eigenen Haus zu sein.

Der Teemeister
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Registriert: Sa 12. Mär 2011, 12:01
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Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von Der Teemeister »

Ich möchte auch nicht wissen, wie sich der Oliver fühlen muß.
Er darf dann lernen, was der Geoff jetzt im Studio einspielt,
um es dann auf die Bühnen zu bringen. Oder doch nicht?
Geoff bei diesem einen Song: "We Can Fly From Here" - das wirkt
noch verständlich. Aber bei allen? Das sieht mir fast danach aus,
als ob Trevor Horn seinen alten Kumpel in die Band rein gepuscht hat,
unter der Drohung, sonst nicht mehr der Produzent sein zu wollen ... strange ...

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Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von Fragile »

Will ja nicht unken, aber so langsam fange ich an, dort nicht mehr ganz durchzublicken, wer jetzt wie oder wo auf dem Album was spielt. Habe trotzdem die stille Hoffnung, dass es vielleicht doch nicht zu Situationen à la "Union" oder "Open Your Eyes" kommt. Man macht ja nicht den selben Fehler noch ein drittes Mal, oder?
He's seen too much of life,
and there's no going back...

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Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von BBQ.Master »

Ich schätze, dass die Journalisten da einiges durcheinander gebracht haben, denn manche Artikel stehen im Gegensatz zueinander.
"It's better to burn out than to fade away ...because rust never sleeps." - Neil Young


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