"Fly from here" / Diskussionsthread

veröffentlicht: 22.06.2011

Benoit David ; Geoff Downes ; Steve Howe ; Chris Squire ; Alan White

Beiträge: 1957
Registriert: So 24. Sep 2006, 13:41

Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von BBQ.Master »

Letzter Beitrag der vorhergehenden Seite:

Der Teemeister hat geschrieben:
Das hat damit gar nichts zu tun!!!
Ich respektiere Deine Meinung. Ich teile sie aber nicht.
Denn wo immer ich anfange zu sagen, - und angefangen hast Du - Eure Meinung ist dämlich
und überflüssig - da beginnt jener zensierende Prozeß im Keim, den ich heranzog.
Und jetzt, lassen wir's gut sein, oder wollen wir die anderen langweilen?
Du hast Deine Sicht der Dinge, ich die meine. Ich denke, Jon
würde sagen, was soll's?
Solche selbstgefälligen Sätze sind ja was für mich. Mir ist nicht bekannt, dass, wenn ich mich zu irgendetwas äußere, plötzlich eine Zensur für andere beginnt. Oder kleben bei den anderen jetzt schwarze Balken über dem Text oder sowas? Wenn ja, dann habe ich wohl Kräfte, von denen ich bisher nichts wusste.

Ich bewundere Menschen, die für ihre Freiheit gekämpft haben, sehr, aber bei solchen Belanglosigkeiten, die nicht einmal etwas damit zu tun haben, kann ich das nicht ernst nehmen. Das würde beide Seiten unglaubwürdig machen.
"It's better to burn out than to fade away ...because rust never sleeps." - Neil Young


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Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von DocFederfeld »

Ich kann nicht fassen, daß die Diskussion über ein ungelegtes Ei (noch dazu über ein Album, daß vermutlich keinen so richtig überraschen wird) so über das Ziel hinausschiesst :?

Beiträge: 1957
Registriert: So 24. Sep 2006, 13:41

Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von BBQ.Master »

DocFederfeld hat geschrieben:Ich kann nicht fassen, daß die Diskussion über ein ungelegtes Ei (noch dazu über ein Album, daß vermutlich keinen so richtig überraschen wird) so über das Ziel hinausschiesst :?
Dabei hat das eine mit dem anderen nichts zu tun!
"It's better to burn out than to fade away ...because rust never sleeps." - Neil Young


Der Teemeister
Beiträge: 1531
Registriert: Sa 12. Mär 2011, 12:01
Wohnort: Leipzig

Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von Der Teemeister »

BBQ: Etwas, was wir beide von Jon lernen könnten:
Wenn wir etwas lesen, was wir für negativ halten,
- setzen wir dem doch einfach unsere positive Energie gegenüber.
Belehren wollen - wer ließe sich das gefallen? Du nicht, ich nicht.

So, wie es Fragile und Jan machen. Freude vermitteln. Spannung
auf das neue Album aufbauen. Im Grunde sind all unsere Äußerungen hier
doch nichts anderes als "Wir warten auf das Christkind". Was dann
im Sack ist - wir werden es sehen, äh, hören.

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Member X
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Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von Member X »

Fakten Fakten Fakten. Wen nur sie interessieren, der kann diesen Thread ja aussparen, bis die CD da ist, und kann dann sicher hier die Titelliste nachlesen und mit dem von ihm gekauften Exemplar vergleichen. Wir brauchen uns dann auch nicht mehr darüber zu unterhalten, wem was wie gefällt oder nicht, weil das nämlich keine Fakten sondern subjektive Meinungen sind.

Man sollte aber denen, die Meinungen und Spekulationen und Meinungen zu Spekulationen austauschen wollen, einfach diesen Thread lassen ;)

Hier nicht mehr ganz frisch ein Statement von Oliver von seiner WebSite http://www.oliver-wakeman.co.uk/html/ol ... .html#9Apr u.a. zum Inhalt der neuen CD - man weiß, dass man nichts weiß:

2011 News


9th April
Oliver Wakeman and Yes

An official statement has now been released via YesWorld announcing Geoff Downes as the new Yes Keyboardist. (Anmerkung auf yesworld steht auch unter lineup nun Downes und nicht mehr O. Wakeman.)

Oliver would firstly like to thank all the people who have taken the trouble to write to him with their concerns over the YES rumours and press releases that have been circulating around the web.

Because of the number of emails and questions being asked and the difficulty in replying to each one individually it was felt the best way to help quell some of the rumours was to put some facts forward.

The new album

The decision to leave YES did not originate with Oliver and, as of this moment in time, we do not know which of Oliver's many contributions to the recording will exist on the new YES record.

Oliver did write and perform on a number of the new YES recordings. As to whether his parts, or the songs, will remain is unknown at the moment. However, we imagine that with this lineup change, fans should expect to hear Geoff on the album, not Oliver.

The tours

Oliver is not scheduled to appear with the band on the US Summer tour or in Europe on the Autumn tour.

We apologise for not answering these queries and questions sooner but the delay in replying was because Oliver wanted to stay focused on the music for the 'Rite of Spring' tour and felt his primary role was to put on the best possible show for the fans who came to see the band.

The Future

Oliver's next project will be finishing the writing and recording of his new band album provisionally titled 'Cultural Vandals' - more details to follow.


Thanks again for all the support that has been made for Oliver either through direct emails to the website, via the new Facebook page, MySpace, forums or the web in general.

Oliver has been very touched by the support shown for him throughout his 2 - 3 years with YES and would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the fans for all their support, friendship and kindness.

Der Teemeister
Beiträge: 1531
Registriert: Sa 12. Mär 2011, 12:01
Wohnort: Leipzig

Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von Der Teemeister »

of his new band album provisionally titled 'Cultural Vandals'
Komischer Titel, ähem. Ob er da vielleicht seinen möglichen Zorn nebst seinen Erfahrungen
der letzten Jahre verarbeitend rauslässt? Wen, oder was, auch immer betreffend?

Der Teemeister
Beiträge: 1531
Registriert: Sa 12. Mär 2011, 12:01
Wohnort: Leipzig

Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von Der Teemeister »

Ganz interessante Statements. Auch, weil ich hier zum ersten Mal bestätigt finde,
das Trevor Horn auf 90125 mitgesungen hat, und das es eine Studio-Aufnahme von
"We Can Fly From Here" für DRAMA gab. Gefunden auf: http://www.bondegezou.co.uk/wnyesm.htm
Horn would be doing lead vocals on the song (with David remaining lead vocalist for the rest of the album), but they may no longer be the case as the piece has been expanded
Schade! (finde ich). Horn als Sänger für dieses (sein) Stück - das hätte mich gefreut.

The album takes its title from a new version of "We Can Fly from Here" (although Squire has been joking the album is called Odyssey Dawn, after The Daily Show joked "Odyssey Dawn" sounds like a Yes album title). Horn and Downes first approached Yes in 1980 to offer them this song, and Yes recorded a studio version (the nearest to complete version clocks in at 6:24), but the song did not make it to Drama. It was played on the accompanying tour (with a live version available on The Word is Live; 6:46), during which Horn indicated the song would be on the follow-up to Drama, that of course never came. The Buggles subsequently demo'd a two part version; this can be heard as two bonus tracks on the recent re-release of Adventures in Modern Recording (Part I: 5:09; Part II: 4:02). However, on Fly from Here, the piece has now been expanded to be over 20 minutes long. In an interview in the Oct Classic Rock Presents... Prog, Squire is asked whether Horn will contribute as a writer and performer as well as producing. His reply: "He may! We've talked about recording a track which didn't end up on Drama called 'We Can Fly From Here'. We did it on tour and its time might have come. Plus Trevor did backing vocals on 90125 anyway." At The Buggles show in Sep 2010, Horn said he was going to record "We Can Fly from Here" with Yes in early Oct. A 2010 report suggested Horn would be doing lead vocals on the song (with David remaining lead vocalist for the rest of the album), but they may no longer be the case as the piece has been expanded. One Mar 2011 interview with White said the preliminary title for the album was Weekend Fly, but this could well be the journalist mishearing We Can Fly. In a Mar 2011 interview seemingly conducted early in the year, David said several titles were under consideration.

A Mar 2011 article (which may be sourced from a press release) quotes Horn and Squire:

The album originated from a conversation between Horn and Yes bassist Chris Squire, who re-discovered the song 'Fly From Here' and realized that it had never been recorded in a studio. "Chris and I were talking one evening about the song 'Fly From Here' that we never recorded," explains Horn. "I said I was prepared to spend two weeks with Yes recording that song. When I arrived in America to record it, I was taken prisoner by the band and only allowed my freedom again in return for producing the whole album. It was an offer I couldn't refuse!"

"Fly From Here" retains Yes' signature brand of mysticism and large-scale compositions. The record contains plenty of the complex arrangements, beautiful harmonies, and heavy riffs the band is known for. "The new album represents the best of Yes from the '70s and the '80s with a current twist," said Squire.

This 30 Mar 2011 interview with Squire has more:

“He [Horn] and I wanted to become involved in doing the newest album together, and so we had this idea to reintroduce a couple of ideas we hadn’t used back in 1980,” Squire said. “But we changed them a lot, obviously, from how they were then to bring them into the current genre of making a record.”

Most of the music on “Fly from Here” is newly written

In a 1 Mar 2011 interview, Howe described the new album:

we’ve just finished it and it’s not mixed, and some of it’s not actually finalised


th[e] team of Yes and Trevor [Horn] has a certain expectation. [...] the Drama era, obviously, gives him a lot of credibility. [...] Some of [the album] is written by Trevor, so he’s had quite a serious... large involvement in the album. [...]

Basically, there aren’t a lot of songs on it. I mean, what I’m hinting at is that one of them is a very long piece of music. It’s equal to the "Close to the Edge", Topographic, "Gates of Delirium" sort of scale of music that we haven’t done a great deal of in the last 20 years, I guess. So we’re excited about that.

It’s going to be a very vibrant album, it’s going to be very fresh, and, yeah, we’re hoping that people are really going to enjoy it. Because, in some ways, the last three albums didn’t make me very happy. [...] But we’re on a sort of nice thing here. And we think we’re got a really neat, stylish, clever album that is a little bit less expected. It's going to be hard to say if anybody quite expects us to come out with this album.

We’re really ready to mix it [...] [Horn] has tremendous awareness of the value of the musicianship in Yes, the songwriting style that has to come up to match that, and also [...] the production, [...] Yes was always on that leading edge of that technology and when Trevor got involved, it emphasised that.

[...] When the long pieces started [in the 1970s] [...] they used to pull pieces out of [as single releases, e.g. "Total Mass Retain"], and I dare say that the same thing will happen on [...] our new album, is that they will take the big piece and they will try to run with a couple of the short segments from it. I got no real problem with that because we won’t have destroyed the masterwork, if you like, y'know. It will still exist, but you will be able to hear segments from it. I think that’s quite fun. [...] I think one of the worst things that ever happened in Yes is when certain people in the band and certain people engineering and helping started to think if somebody would say this song is a single [...] that somehow the magic would happen and we would have a hit record. And time and time again, I saw people completely lose the heart and soul by trashing a song. Usually this song that was chosen... er... I can give you an example: “Finally” on Magnification [sic], for instance, or […] other songs were chosen on albums. And usually it would just be destroyed. Because of the quest for commercialism, the mistaken quest for commercialism, these songs would get trashed out. In other words, people would edit them, they would play rubbishy things on them [...] I don’t want to cheapen Yes. I don’t want to even say sorry for the 20 minute pieces [...] The hell with it. [...] We were uncompromising [in the 1970s]. [...] The way Yes gets success is through quality, and not necessarily commercialism. “Owner of a Lonely Heart” is a commercial song, there’s no doubt about it, and it’s just like on the borderline. You could say, although it did Yes a great enhancement by getting loads of people to listen to it, it also did a lot of damage because [...] the label want[ed] more and more songs like that [...] Basically, Yes became a kind of trashy pop band, for a moment. I think it’s a great album, 90125, I didn’t play on it [...] but there again it had this ‘sold out’ kind of thing, but it worked, it had a big hit record [...] I’d like to steer away from commercialism. And sure, we could have a number one single, but I don’t want it to be a compromise, y’know, I don’t want it to be a piece of bubblegum that guys of [...] 40, 50 and 60 years old are actually playing into the hands of commercialism. I don't want to do that.

Topic author
Member X
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Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von Member X »

Der Teemeister hat geschrieben:
Horn would be doing lead vocals on the song (with David remaining lead vocalist for the rest of the album), but they may no longer be the case as the piece has been expanded
Ja so sans, ja so sans, ja so sans die oi'dn Rittasleid - "yessas" na. Aber eine geradlinige Aktion wäre auch Yes-untypisch gewesen, zumindest für die letzten paar Jahrzehnte :mrgreen:

Das obige Zitat wurde übrigens seiner Zeitangabe beraubt:

A 2010 report suggested Horn would be doing lead vocals on the song (with David remaining lead vocalist for the rest of the album), but they may no longer be the case as the piece has been expanded.

Also nicht jetzt erst wundern :? , das Spiel läft schon lange lange lange lange lange lange lange lange lange ...

Topic author
Member X
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Registriert: Fr 28. Aug 2009, 22:31
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Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von Member X »

Da gibt es (von den yesfans rüber kopiert) neue Infos:

Given the difference in price, perhaps?



Unter der ersten Adresse kommt man zu diesem Angebot:

Yes Fly From Here
Regular price (tax inc.) : ¥3,800
Availability : Out Soon - current release date is 22 Jun 2011
About Shipping Cost (see below)
Item Details
Genre : Rock & Pop Catalogue Number : MIZP60026
Format : CD Label : AVALON
Issued : 22 Jun 2011 Item sourced from : Japan
Number of Discs : 1
Other : +DVD, Limited (First Edition)

Unter der zweiten Adresse gibt es diese Produktinfos:

Yes Fly From Here
Regular price (tax inc.) : ¥2,800
Availability : Out Soon - current release date is 22 Jun 2011
About Shipping Cost (see below)
Item Details
Genre : Rock & Pop Catalogue Number : MICP11000
Format : CD Label : AVALON
Issued : 22 Jun 2011 Item sourced from : Japan
Number of Discs : 1

Die limited edition mit DVD ist gar nicht so viel teurer. Na, hoffentlich gibt es die limited edition mit DVD nicht nur "sourced from : Japan" :?

Der Teemeister
Beiträge: 1531
Registriert: Sa 12. Mär 2011, 12:01
Wohnort: Leipzig

Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von Der Teemeister »

Ah, der Yen-Preis. Die Japaner haben übrigens Preisbindung auf CD's,
auf jeder steht der Einkaufs- und Verkaufspreis, aufgedruckt. An dieser
wollen sie also offen-sichtlich 1000 Yen verdienen :mrgreen:

Topic author
Member X
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Registriert: Fr 28. Aug 2009, 22:31
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Re: Neue "Platte" vor Ablauf 2011

Beitrag von Member X »

Irgend wie kommt bei mir nicht die rechte Begeisterung auf mit dem neuen Album. Ich weiß nicht, warum man "altes Zeug" hervor kramt und nochmal aufgießt. "We can fly from here" gab's ja nun schon mal, so dass es ja quasi nur ein Cover werden kann, wenn auch vielleicht mit neuen Aspekten. Aber damit wird es trotzdem nicht wirklich neu:


Und hier die (hat-es-nicht-auf-das-Album-geschafft) "Drama-Version"
(Das Panning zwischen den Stereo-Kanälen macht mich jedenfalls mit Kopfhörer schier kirre :? )

http://letthepeoplehear.com/yessongs/Fl ... re1980.mp3

(oder hier der Link zur Seite mit dem Link
http://yesshows.wordpress.com/2010/08/1 ... sion-1980/)

Außerdem gab's das Ganze ja schon sogar live - also kann man auch sagen, dass der Song eh nicht neu ist:


Bin dann ja auch mal gespannt, ob auf dem neuen Yes-Album auch gleich noch sowas mit "verwertet" wird (sprich mangels früherer veröffentlichung nun Geld daraus gemacht wird):


Ich hätte schon gerne zeitgemäße neue Musik gehabt - gerade Oliver wäre da ein guter Input gewesen. So bleibt bei mir (erst mal) die Befürchtung, dass das neue Album etwas von den "ewig Gestrigen" haben wird. Positiv ist, dass die Spannung auf das, was da kommen mag, immer noch da ist.

Zurück zu „Fly From Here“