[NEWS!] ARW (Jon Anderson, Rick Wakeman & Trevor Rabin)

wurde 2017 in YES featuring ARW umbenannt.

feat. Anderson, Wakeman & Rabin

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[NEWS!] ARW (Jon Anderson, Rick Wakeman & Trevor Rabin)

Beitrag von Member X »

Jon Anderson, Rick Wakeman & Trevor Rabin

Der Aktuelle Stand laut http://www.bondegezou.co.uk/wnyesm.htm#wakrab ist:

I recently (31 Mar) said here that I had heard that plans for an Anderson/Wakeman/Rabin project are not now going ahead. I still trust that initial report reflected something. However, in response to the subsequent online discussion, Wakeman explicitly denied that the project was cancelled and his webmaster advised looking to the RWCC for any official news. Another report from close to the trio also denied the project had come to an end. I am, thus, confused and uncertain as to what is happening.

Whether cancelled or not, plans appear to be or have been fairly advanced, with some material prepared and concrete discussions about the band. R. Wakeman in Jan 2011 said that the three of them "are working on putting a band together to both record and perform". A Mar 2011 interview with Anderson had this:

As you probably know I loved the albums we did with Trevor like Talk and Big Generator. [...] We'll get together to write some new music and thereafter we intend to go on tour with these new songs and of course we will also perform some Yes classics. We'll do a try out of a month and then, if it works, we'll also perform some gigs in Europe.

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Registriert: So 1. Mär 2009, 21:31

Re: Jon Anderson, Rick Wakeman & Trevor Rabin

Beitrag von MelloKey »

Laut Ricks April-GORR ist das Projekt doch nicht erledigt, im Gegenteil:

"Wayne has mentioned to me that he received a lot of e-mails to the site displaying their displeasure at the news that the proposed project with Trevor Rabin and Jon Anderson was not going ahead. I must admit I threw my head in my hands when he told me as it is, to the very best of my knowledge and certainly Jon’s as well, total rubbish."

Auch das hier klingt sehr erfreulich:

"Just two days ago I received some music from Jon for the Trevor, Jon and Rick project, and it’s tremendous. I’ve also sent some stuff to both the guys as well, so unless there really is something I don’t know, then all is progressing really well."

Interessant ist, dass Rick mit der nachstehenden Aussage impliziert, dass es Leute im I-Net gibt, die absichtlich falsche Gerüchte verbreiten:

"There are some not very nice people out there who like to stir things up, and believe it or not, we know who some of them are. They are the equivalent to people who start computer viruses and I have no time for them. I have always said that if you hear a rumour, log into this site, and if it’s confirmed here, then it’s true. If it isn’t, then treat it as a rumour started by somebody who thinks they know something, but actually don’t!"

Ganz zum Schluss ist auch diese Aussage erfreulich:

"On a happier note, we have had a lot of enquiries for English Rock Ensemble shows after the success of Cropredy last year, so hopefully something will come to fruition and also the possibility of a Journey to the Centre of the Earth performance has moved from the possibility folder to the probability folder which is pretty exciting for me!"

Komplett nachzulesen hier: http://www.rwcc.com/gorr.asp

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Member X
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Re: Jon Anderson, Rick Wakeman & Trevor Rabin

Beitrag von Member X »

Von Rick's "May GORR":

Jon is in pretty constant contact with Trevor Rabin and music has already started flying back and forth. Jon has sent through some great ideas and I will shortly be sending some stuff back across the Atlantic to both Trev and Jon. Trev, I know, is also working on music for the project and we are all really up for it and excited as to what it’s going to produce. As many people know, it’s a combination of YES personnel that’s never been used on recordings, and certainly, if the chemistry that happened on the UNION tour between the three of us can reignite itself, then we are in for a treat making the music and hopefully it’ll be a treat for others to listen to it......and then, with a bit of luck...live performances...and special ones, not hundreds of gigs one after the other which dissipates all meaning of the music.

Schon wieder jemand, der Aufgüsse alter Sachen ankündigt :evil: Man, man , man, hat keiner mehr Ideen für neue Musik? (Die Aussicht auf einige wenige größer ausgelegte Konzerte besänftigt dann aber wieder - wenn ich es denn noch erleben werde, dass die Events stattfinden :? "but as ever, things seem to take much longer than you think is necessary" RW)

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Registriert: Mo 16. Nov 2009, 11:27
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Re: Jon Anderson, Rick Wakeman & Trevor Rabin

Beitrag von jomo »

I heard on the ' Yes podcast ' that Bruford involved now as ABW&R. Now that would be a dream come true. Rabins new album is a masterpiece.

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Re: Jon Anderson, Rick Wakeman & Trevor Rabin

Beitrag von Aprilfrost »

Das wäre ja fast zu schön um wahr zu sein. Wo sich doch Bruford eigentlich aus dem aktiven Drummerleben zurück ziehen wollte.

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Re: Jon Anderson, Rick Wakeman & Trevor Rabin

Beitrag von hans »

Demnach zu urteilen, wie sich Bruford in den letzten Jahren und Jahrzehnten über Yes nach 1973, über ABWH und die Union-Geschichte äußerte, halte ich das für ganz und gar undenkbar, es sei denn, er braucht das Geld und es gibt ein lukratives Angebot einer Plattenfirma. ;)

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Re: Jon Anderson, Rick Wakeman & Trevor Rabin

Beitrag von SOON »

das wäre klasse!
Aber ich glaube erst daran, wenn es CDs oder Konzerte gibt!
Vermutlich müsste da 2013 dann was laufen.
MAKE PROG NOT WAR ! ---> ---> My 2023 Album Faves

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Re: Jon Anderson, Rick Wakeman & Trevor Rabin

Beitrag von Topographic »

jomo hat geschrieben:I heard on the ' Yes podcast ' that Bruford involved now as ABW&R. Now that would be a dream come true. Rabins new album is a masterpiece.

What's the "Yes podcast"?

number nine
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Re: Jon Anderson, Rick Wakeman & Trevor Rabin

Beitrag von number nine »

Ich gebe nicht besonders viel auf dieses Gerücht, aber rein hypothetisch betrachtet, wäre das ein großer wichtiger Schritt - History repeating! Auf diesem Wege könnte nochmal aus zwei Yes-Lagern etwas richtig Gutes herauskommen und man könnte am Ende ein riesengroßes gemeinsames Finale für diese große ehrwürdige Band gestalten .... *träum*
Hate takes a lot of energy - and i'm savin' mine up for all the good shit that's comin' my way 'cause i'm a good person and i deserve good shit in my life.

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Re: Jon Anderson, Rick Wakeman & Trevor Rabin

Beitrag von JJG »

Es wird langsam konkreter, AWR haben Songs geschrieben, die in diesem und nächstem Monat
verschickt werden und man wärmt sich für eine Tour auf. Spannend wird die Besetzung von
Bass und Schlagzeug für die Tour.
http://somethingelsereviews.com/2012/09 ... vor-rabin/
"We are truth made in heaven, we are glorious" (Anderson/Stolt 2016)


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