Anno 1979 schilderte Robert Fripp übrigens in einem Interview mit dem "Melody Maker" ein paar Anekdoten über seinen Besuch auf dem 1975er Reading Festival. Er äußerte sich allerdings nicht genauer zu den Bands, die da auftraten, wahrscheinlich aber zu Yes:
"I remember just before I went to Sherbourne, I went to the Reading Festival in August, 1975. A band came on stage who were actually friends of mine. Anyway, we'd been waiting an hour-and-a-half while their laser show was being set up. I went out to the front. It began to rain. I was standing in six inches of mud. It was drizzling. A man over here on my right began to vomit. And a man over here on my left puled open his flies and began to urinate on my leg.
Behind me there were some 50,000 people who maybe for two or three evenings a week, for amusement or recreation, would participate in this imaginary world of rock'n'roll. Then I looked at the group on stage - their lasers shooing off ineffectually into the night, locked into this same dream. Except they're in it for 24 hours a day, seven days a week for the rest of their lives."
He's seen too much of life,
and there's no going back...
"High Vibration" (Reading, 23.08.1975). Ja, das kannte damals noch keiner!!!
Es diente auch lediglich als improvisiertes Intro zum nächsten Sonmg "Gates Of Delirium":
He's seen too much of life,
and there's no going back...