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Hat sich jemand hier im Forum die neuesten Remasters gekauft oder will er sie noch kaufen?
Ich hörte, dass das "weiße Album" eine Investition wert sein soll.
Ich hörte, dass das "weiße Album" eine Investition wert sein soll.
He's seen too much of life,
and there's no going back...
and there's no going back...
Re: Beatles
Letzter Beitrag der vorhergehenden Seite:
Vor ziemlich genau 45 Jahren (es war Freitag, der 10. April 1970) verkündeten die Beatles ihre Trennung. Dieser Tag war für Millionen Musikfans ein "schwarzer Freitag" im sprichwörtlichen Sinne. Paul McCartney teilte dies damals schriftlich, in Form eines Interviews, das seiner ersten Solo-LP "McCartney" beilag, mit. Nach seinen Worten wollte man sich als Band musikalisch nicht wiederholen und außerdem verstanden sich vor allem er und John Lennon nicht mehr (Lennon hatte seinen Bandkollegen wohl als "Fahrstuhlmusik-Komponisten" und seine Kompositionen als "Muzak" beschimpft.) ... nnen-sich/
He's seen too much of life,
and there's no going back...
and there's no going back...
Re: Beatles
Paul McCartney heute vor genau 30 Jahren bei Live Aid (London). Er war der letzte Künstler, der an jenem Abend im Wembley vor dem großen Finale auftrat.
[BBvideo 360,250][/BBvideo]
[BBvideo 360,250][/BBvideo]
He's seen too much of life,
and there's no going back...
and there's no going back...
Re: Beatles
3. Dezember 1965:
"Rubber Soul" erscheint. Die Beatmusik der Pilzköpfe klingt plötzlich merkwürdig, George Harrison greift gar zur Sitar.
[BBvideo 360,250][/BBvideo]
"Rubber Soul" erscheint. Die Beatmusik der Pilzköpfe klingt plötzlich merkwürdig, George Harrison greift gar zur Sitar.
[BBvideo 360,250][/BBvideo]
He's seen too much of life,
and there's no going back...
and there's no going back...
Re: Beatles
It was 35 years ago today.
Mord an John Lennon: Die kranke Welt von Mark David Chapman - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Mord an John Lennon: Die kranke Welt von Mark David Chapman - SPIEGEL ONLINE
He's seen too much of life,
and there's no going back...
and there's no going back...
Re: Beatles
Wer weiß, was ohne ihn aus den Fab Four geworden wäre (zunächst war er nicht an ihnen interessiert). Immerhin war er einer der ersten Musikproduzenten, die auch auf ganze Alben und nicht nur auf die schnellen Hitsingles wie andere Produzenten aus jener Zeit (Sam Phillips, Berry Gordy, Mickie Most) spezialisiert war. Gestern wurde er 90 Jahre Jahre alt.
He's seen too much of life,
and there's no going back...
and there's no going back...
Re: Beatles
Wer Lust und Zeit hat, sich mal ein wenig im doch sehr großen Beatles Fundus zu stöbern, ohne sich direkt gleich alle Alben kaufen zu müssen, kann das jetzt seit ein paar Wochen bei Spotify ausgiebig tun. Alle relevanten Beatles-Alben sind dort nun endlich vertreten. Offenbar haben sich Spotify und das bzw. die Label(s) nach jahrelangen Verhandlungen endlich geeinigt.
He's seen too much of life,
and there's no going back...
and there's no going back...
Re: Beatles
Aus der NDR1 (Niedersachsen)-Reihe "Die Geschichte zum Hit" mit kurzen Hintergrundinfos und Texterläuterungen:
A Hard Day's Night ... es238.html
Love Me Do ... es195.html
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da ... es227.html
Octopus's Garden ... es328.html
Yellow Submarine ... es201.html
Yesterday ... es326.html
A Hard Day's Night ... es238.html
Love Me Do ... es195.html
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da ... es227.html
Octopus's Garden ... es328.html
Yellow Submarine ... es201.html
Yesterday ... es326.html
He's seen too much of life,
and there's no going back...
and there's no going back...
Re: Beatles
Paul McCartney zum Tod von Sir George Martin via Facebook:
Paul McCartney via Facebook hat geschrieben:"I’m so sad to hear the news of the passing of dear George Martin. I have so many wonderful memories of this great man that will be with me forever. He was a true gentleman and like a second father to me. He guided the career of The Beatles with such skill and good humour that he became a true friend to me and my family. If anyone earned the title of the fifth Beatle it was George. From the day that he gave The Beatles our first recording contract, to the last time I saw him, he was the most generous, intelligent and musical person I’ve ever had the pleasure to know.
It’s hard to choose favourite memories of my time with George, there are so many but one that comes to mind was the time I brought the song 'Yesterday’ to a recording session and the guys in the band suggested that I sang it solo and accompany myself on guitar. After I had done this George Martin said to me, "Paul I have an idea of putting a string quartet on the record". I said, “Oh no George, we are a rock and roll band and I don’t think it’s a good idea”. With the gentle bedside manner of a great producer he said to me, "Let us try it and if it doesn’t work we won’t use it and we’ll go with your solo version". I agreed to this and went round to his house the next day to work on the arrangement.
He took my chords that I showed him and spread the notes out across the piano, putting the cello in the low octave and the first violin in a high octave and gave me my first lesson in how strings were voiced for a quartet. When we recorded the string quartet at Abbey Road, it was so thrilling to know his idea was so correct that I went round telling people about it for weeks. His idea obviously worked because the song subsequently became one of the most recorded songs ever with versions by Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Ray Charles, Marvin Gaye and thousands more.
This is just one of the many memories I have of George who went on to help me with arrangements on 'Eleanor Rigby', 'Live and Let Die' and many other songs of mine.
I am proud to have known such a fine gentleman with such a keen sense of humour, who had the ability to poke fun at himself. Even when he was Knighted by the Queen there was never the slightest trace of snobbery about him.
My family and I, to whom he was a dear friend, will miss him greatly and send our love to his wife Judy and their kids Giles and Lucy, and the grandkids.
The world has lost a truly great man who left an indelible mark on my soul and the history of British music.
God bless you George and all who sail in you!
He's seen too much of life,
and there's no going back...
and there's no going back...
Re: Beatles
Gerade erfahren (um mal wieder gute Nachrichten zu bringen): Sir Paul kommt für drei Open Air Auftritte nach Deutschland. VVK beginnt morgen früh um 9:00 Uhr.
28.05.2016 Düsseldorf (Esprit Arena)
10.06.2016 München (Olympiastadion)
14.06.2016 Berlin (Waldbühne)
28.05.2016 Düsseldorf (Esprit Arena)
10.06.2016 München (Olympiastadion)
14.06.2016 Berlin (Waldbühne)
He's seen too much of life,
and there's no going back...
and there's no going back...
Re: Beatles
Gestern Abend in der Berliner Waldbühne: "Macca" setzte aufgrund der Ereignisse am Wochenende in Orlando ein Zeichen für Akzeptanz und Toleranz, indem er die Regenbogen-Flagge auf der Bühne entfaltete.
He's seen too much of life,
and there's no going back...
and there's no going back...