YES To The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

YES-Tributebands, Coverversionen, YES-Cover, YES Mash-ups, YESMusic in Filmen etc.

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Re: YES To The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Beitrag von Member X »

Letzter Beitrag der vorhergehenden Seite:

Danke für die Info. Prompt erledigt.

Ich finde die Beschränkung auf bestimmte Mitglieder eh bescheuert - aber das kennen wir von den Betreibern der RRHoF ja.

Rein theoretisch müsste es durch die personelle Festlegung von Bands auf ein bestimmtes Line-Up ja auch möglich sein, dass eine Band mehrmals mit verschiedenen Line-Ups aufgenommen wird.

Außerdem finde ich es als Diskriminierung einzelner Musiker, die zumindest den Fortbestand solcher Bands sicherten, darüber hinaus von den anerkannt tollen übrigen Musikern dieser Bands ja wohl als ebenfalls toll angesehen wurden, weil man sich ja wohl keine Flaschen in die Truppe holte, und letztlich auch zum Gesamtwerke dieser Bands beigetragen haben.

Das ist wie: Du bist ein toller Typ, aber Deine Hose ist ätzend, und darum darfst Du nicht zum Kindergeburtstag. Einfach Voll-Honks, die Macher der RRHoF!

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Re: YES To The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Beitrag von nixe » ... -the-rrhof
Dieses anschließende Werbegeplänkel nervt schon, ne!

Musik hat die Fähigkeit uns geistig, körperlich & emotional zu beeinflussen!

!!!I like Prog!!!

!!!Wenn die Sonne der Kultur niedrig steht, werfen selbst Zwerge lange Schatten!!!

Member X
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Re: YES To The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Beitrag von Member X »

Jetzt hat Rick für seine Doch-Teilnahme an der Einführungszeremonie noch eine Begründung an den Haaren herbeigezogen (von der Facebook Seite):

A statement from Rick regarding RRHOF:

“I am very pleased to announce that as the Hall of Fame have now agreed to present Chris Squire’s wife with a posthumous award acknowledging his massive contribution to YES, I have agreed to attend the Induction ceremony in New York to both stand proudly with my fellow band mates Jon and Trevor and also to watch Chris’s wife Scottie collect this well deserved award on his behalf. I also hope that this move to acknowledge members of bands who sadly did not live to receive their own honour, means they can get them posthumously in the future”.

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Re: YES To The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Beitrag von Topographic »

Irgendeine Brücke musste er sich ja bauen. Es wird noch weitere Brücken im Vorfeld und vor Ort geben.

Member X
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Re: YES To The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Beitrag von Member X »

Topographic hat geschrieben:Irgendeine Brücke musste er sich ja bauen. Es wird noch weitere Brücken im Vorfeld und vor Ort geben.
Ah, meinst Du

Ü - ber sie - ben Brü - cken muss er gehn ...

Dann sollten Sie die Zeremonie am besten nach Venedig, IT (nicht dass die Dödel das mit Venice, Florida, verwechseln :boys_0137: ) verlegen :mrgreen:

Mal sehen, wie man zuschauen kann ...

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Re: YES To The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Beitrag von SOON »

soundmunich hat geschrieben:
Ich finde die Beschränkung auf bestimmte Mitglieder eh bescheuert - aber das kennen wir von den Betreibern der RRHoF ja.
Gibt es irgend etwas, dass du nicht bescheuert findest? :mrgreen:

Dass man sich auf Mitglieder beschränkt, die eine Band geprägt haben, finde ich durchaus plausibel.
Die RRHoF (versucht) da zu Unterscheiden wer nur in eine Rolle schlüpft (Benoît David und Jon Dawison) oder einen kreativen Beitrag leistet (Trevor Rabin).
Jon Anderson sagte irgendwann mal "Man kann keine neue Wege finden, wenn man in die Fußstapfen anderer tritt".
Natürlich führt das auch zu Frustrationen, wie zuletzt bei Deep Purple und Blackmore/Morse.

Als alter Wakeman-Fan dürftest du auf sein Geplänkel nicht mehr reinfallen.
Schon 1973 hat er gesagt, dass er nie mehr zu YES zurückkehren würde. :boys_0222:
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Re: YES To The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Beitrag von Christine »

[font=cursive]Grüße in die weite Welt des WorldWideWeb![/font]

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Re: YES To The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Beitrag von Member X »

Danke für den Hinweis, aber der twitter-Beitrag ist nur das Sprungbrett zum tatsächlichen Statement unter: ... ll-of-fame

Wo dann zu lesen ist:

Rush's Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee to induct Yes into Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

Four years after their own induction, Rush are to welcome fellow proggers Yes into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

Rush's Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson have been asked to induct Yes into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. The ceremony will take place on April 7 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York.

Yes, described by the Rock Hall as "the most enduring, ambitious and virtuosic progressive band in rock history," will be joined by fellow inductees ELO, Joan Baez, Journey, Nile Rogers, Pearl Jam and Tupac Shakur. It's also been announced that Neil Young will induct Pearl Jam, while Jackson Browne will induct Joan Baez.

"Rush was definitely influenced by Yes," says the Rock Hall's Todd Mesek, "and the two groups are both seminal prog-rock bands, so it's a natural fit to have Rush welcome in Yes as fellow inductees."

In 2013, late Yes bassist Chris Squire suggested that Rush would be a good choice if the opportunity arose, telling Los Angeles radio station K-Earth 101, "I haven't given it much thought, maybe those Rush guys who got in last year! I'm pretty good friends with Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins (of the Foo Fighters), and they did a great speech for Rush... so probably not them, since they just did one. But if you know Geddy (Lee), let him know that that would be fine by me.''

Am Ende gibt es noch Links zu weiteren themenbezogenen Artikeln, wie u.a. ... hates-prog

Forget Yes – the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame still hates Prog

Yes’s Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame nomination is long overdue. But where are all the other prog legends?

Can the tide finally be turning? Is the genre that once dared not speak its name in polite society now officially being recognised by the gatekeepers of the pantheon of greats?

Back in 2013, after years of lobbying from their ferociously loyal fanbase, Rush were finally inducted into America's Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, suggesting a thawing of the venerable institution's apparently icy attitude towards prog, and perennially ‘unhip’ artists in general. Not before time, it seemed – prior to that, the only prog artists allowed into to this most exclusive of cabals were Pink Floyd and Genesis, and you can’t help thinking that the latter only got in on account of their yuppie-era 80s success.

But now, after two previous appearances on the 'long list' of nominees and prominent positioning in many a list of 'notable omissions', Yes are poised perilously close to the Hall Of Fame entrance door. Their name is on a newly announced list of nominees for 2017, which fans are invited to vote for along with the customary 800-strong group of industry grandees whose preferences have historically held sway.

If they do make it in there this time, then prog fans can surely take heart, and perhaps gently remind the Hall’s organisers that there’s plenty more where Yes came from. Can we recognise Jethro Tull or The Moody Blues’ pioneering role in the evolution of progressive rock? Or for that matter, King Crimson, who arguably made the first full-blown prog album, In The Court Of The Crimson King? Can ELP’s huge success in marrying classical flourishes, rock showmanship and technical wizardry now be acknowledged?

How about the likes of Supertramp, Kansas or Asia, each of whom took a proggy musical template and eventually turned it into timeless radio-friendly rock? Maybe the prospect of lifelong fan John Lydon inducting Van der Graaf Generator into the Hall, in a symbolic reuniting of long-estranged musical tribes, is a little far-fetched, but it'll seem distinctly less so once Yes have received this long-awaited honour.

It's by no means certain, of course, that the velvet rope will finally be unclipped for Yes or any other nominees waiting outside this exclusive club. They may have to queue for another year or two out in the rain as younger, prettier, more fashionably dressed applicants swan past them, air-kissing the guy with the clipboard and high-fiving the doorman.

Indeed, if the man behind the whole enterprise is to be believed, Yes’s nationality alone might still count against them. Jann Wenner, the veteran Rolling Stone publisher, is chairman of the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Foundation, and he, along with other senior RS-affiliated grandees of rock criticism and music biz aristocrats, has historically had a significant say in which acts are considered.

Wenner previously explained the continuing absence of bands such as Yes as an unfortunate side effect of democracy, noting, “it probably has something to do with the fact that the vast majority of voters are American” – conveniently ignoring the fact that Yes broke massively in America first, and both ELP and Jethro Tull were stadium acts there before they were in their home country.

The US bias has long been a cause of gripes, and there are few genres more European in origin and audience than prog. Indeed, other progressively-tinged British artists such as Kate Bush and Roxy Music (as well as towering European figures in other genres such as The Smiths, The Specials, Iron Maiden or Kraftwerk) are also notable absentees from the Hall.

It’s not just about nationality – look at notable Hall Of Fame Absentee Meat Loaf, who left a sizable carbon footprint on musical history with Bat Out Of Hell. It might have more to do with the fact that the cabal of people who run the whole shebang only started taking fan votes into account a few years ago (something which could stand Yes in good stead this year).

You could ask whether it really matters. After all, musicians regularly try to convince us that awards aren’t important to them – usually right up until the moment they’re given one. Well, it matters to us as fans, because it seems to reflect the fact that prog as a genre still seems to be unjustly overlooked in the eyes of the mainstream.

A few more nods of respect towards this neglected wing of the art form from the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame might go some way towards rectifying that.

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Re: YES To The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Beitrag von SOON »

oh ja, Lifeson gefällt mir.
Der findet sicher die richtigen Worte. :mrgreen:
Die humorlosen Progger halt.

[BBvideo 360,250][/BBvideo]
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Member X
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Re: YES To The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Beitrag von Member X »

So, die aktuellen Infos gibt es (offensichtlich schon seit geraumer Zeit) unter


Weiter Ticket-Infos (wobei die Pre-Sale Termine schon vorbei sind ... - aber Info war ja von Anfang an nicht die große Stärke der Veranstalter) kamen letzte Nacht per Email (das für mich auch erstmals die Info und den Link zur vorstehenden Zeremonie-Seite enthielt):

The moment you've been waiting for is almost here - we're proud to announce that tickets to the 32nd annual Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, presented by Klipsch Audio, will go on sale Friday, February 3 at 10 a.m. EST.

This year's ceremony will be held on April 7, 2017 at the Barclay's Center in Brooklyn, NY. Tickets are priced at $50, $80, $125, $250 and $500 with a $5.50 facility fee. Limited VIP packages (arena bowl seating and dinner) are also available only through, or by calling (800) 745-3000.

Member X
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Registriert: Fr 28. Aug 2009, 22:31
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Re: YES To The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Beitrag von Member X »

Na, was will man mehr. Es finden sich doch immer wieder Leute, die Rick interviewen und er erzählt dann auch bereitwillig:

Rick Wakeman Exclusive, Part 3: Honouring Chris Squire

Rick Wakeman has told uDiscover why he changed his mind about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and will now travel to this year's ceremony to honour his late Yes colleague Chris Squire. Wakeman will himself be inducted as a member of Yes at the 7 April ceremony in New York.


Wakeman will be inducted into Hall of Fame as a member of the Yes line-up from the era of their 1991 album Union. He originally announced that he would not travel to the event, but has since said he will attend, now that organisers have agreed to a separate recognition of the contribution to the band of their late bassist and co-founder Chris Squire. Chris' wife Scottie will now accept a special posthumous award on her husband's behalf.

Chris-Squire“I never quite understood how they picked people for the Hall of Fame,” says Wakeman with his trademark candour. “So many bands went in far too late, and there were people in there I'd never heard of. Then so many bands, by the time they got in, key people had passed away. I thought 'This is wrong,' and I've said it for years.

“When Yes got inducted, they said 'Will you go?' and I said no, because there's only two founder members, Chris Squire and Jon Anderson, and Chris has now passed away. So if anybody deserves, after 50 years nearly, to be in there, it's Chris. Because the band went in so late, he's not there, and I think it's wrong.

“To their credit, they came back and said 'We will do a special induction for Chris, invite his wife along, she'll be presented with the induction award,' and I went 'Ok, that's fair enough. You do that, I'll turn up.'”

ARW tourWakeman hopes that the decision will lead the Hall of Fame to recognise key members of other leading rock bands in their own right. “One of the things I'm pushing for now is for loads of other musicians who never got inducted [individually], like John Entwistle, Jon Lord...why don't they have one great big induction ceremony and bring all those people in one? Hopefully this whole thing, certainly for the people who've passed away, might just change it for the future.”

Ahead of the induction, Wakeman has solo concerts in Trento and Udine on 8 and 9 February and will resume his extensive touring with Yes colleagues Jon Anderson and Trevor Rabin, in Anderson Rabin Howe, with a UK tour beginning on 12 March. That's followed by shows in Belgium and Holland and a tour of Japan.

Wen die Bilder interessieren (nix außergewöhnliches, aber der Vollständigkeit halber halt), kann hier selbst schauen:

Wakeman Interview

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