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Hauptdarsteller/in: Fiona Lewis, John Justin, Nell Campbell, Oliver Reed, Paul Nicholas,
Rick Wakeman, Ringo Starr, Roger Daltrey, Sara Kestelman, Veronica Quilligan Regisseur: Ken Russell
Länge: 101 min.
Format: DVD
EAN: 5037899013656
Region: Region 2: Europa
Producer: David Puttnam
Altersfreigabe: UK:18
Bildformat: Widescreen
Genre: Cult
Artikelzustand: Neu
Detaillierte Informationen zum Artikel
Based on life of Franz Liszt, this rock fantasy comes across as an exotic, erotic block-buster. The dynamic pairing of THE WHO's frontman Roger Daltrey and visionary filmmaker reunite again after the triumphant TOMMY (made the same year) and present the famous composer as a pop superstar. This flamboyant and extraordinary assault on the senses guest stars Oliver Reed, Ringo Starr and Rick Wakeman.
Editorial reviews
LISZTOMANIA is the latest, most outrageous outing for Russell's fecund unconscious and, while we must pause to whisper, 'poor Franz', there's no denying the man is growing peculiarly interesting
Chicago Sun-Times (03/24/2009)
Ken Russell's LISZTOMANIA, combines his customary zany and bawdy artfulness with a style close to TOMMY
Variety (03/24/2009)