R.I.P. Chris Squire

Bei Yes: Bassist 1968 - 2015
Instrumente: Bassgitarren und Mundharmonika
Geburtsdatum: 04.03.1948
Geburtsort: London
Sterbedatum: 27.06.2015
Sterbeort: Phoenix
Ehemalige Bands: The Syn, Conspiracy, Squackett

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Registriert: So 9. Mär 2008, 16:20
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Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von SOON »

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Steve Howe hat geschrieben:
It’s hard to imagine the future without Chris! I sense that he will be in our thoughts & minds for sometime.

He was a one-off, larger than life human being, who brought a serious amount to everything he was part of.

Long may his memory resonate through the lands.

Trevor Rabin hat geschrieben:Hi everyone,
I am about as sad as I could be.
You all I’m sure know by now that Chris has passed.
I spoke to him about a week ago, and we were still laughing together.
Even though he had recently taken a turn for the worse, this was not totally unexpected, and the shock and sadness is extreme. I will miss him terribly.
An era is over. Music has lost a one of a kind, and I have lost a dear friend and brother. RIP

Patrick Moraz hat geschrieben:The news of Chris’s passing is very sad.
He was a special friend and a phenomenal musician, always eager to go beyond the outreaches of creativity.
During my years as a member of Yes and even outside of the band, strongly embedded in my memory, are some of the extraordinary sessions we used to have together; like an “empathy of minds and souls” jamming together to the rhythms of frequencies, all distances abbreviated by the pure spontaneity of spirits roaming freely, all barriers seemingly abolished!
My deepest heartfelt thoughts and condolences go out to Chris’s Family and loved ones.

Rock on, Chris!

Oliver Wakeman hat geschrieben:This poster has a special meaning 4 me today. RIP Chris Squire, I enjoyed working & touring with you in Yes.
Tom Brislin hat geschrieben:RIP Chris Squire. Thanks for the memories, both on and off stage. Very sad to hear the news. I still sometimes can’t believe that I had the honor of being a part of Yes, my favorite band. Thanks for the memories, Chris Squire, from both on and off the stage.

Roger Dean hat geschrieben:Very sorry to hear the news that Chris’s died on Saturday night from leukemia. It was a great shock even though we were told it was likely. Chris was a huge force in Prog, in Rock and in Music, a major heartbeat has stopped. Chris will be missed by his family, by the band, by his millions of fans and friends and I will miss him.
Keith Emerson hat geschrieben:
It’s taken me some time to adjust to Chris’s passing. I probably won’t. He was a great friend and a great musician. God knows the grief that his family are going through – let alone Alan White and Geoff Downes and ALL of YES. My heart goes out to them. May God rest you in his musical heavens, Chris. Keith Emerson.
Greg Lake hat geschrieben:I am very saddened to hear about the recent passing of my old and respected friend Chris Squire. Chris was a decent and loving person, not to mention a great musician, bass player and singer. What most people are not aware of is that Chris and I shared an apartment together in London during the early nineteen seventies and as a consequence became very close friends. I will definitely miss him. Best Greg Lake. June 29, 2015
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Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von JJG »

Billy Sherwood via Facebook hat geschrieben: This has to be the hardest message I've ever written, I'm devastated losing Chris

I met Chris in 1987, we became fast friends and remained so through all these many years. He was a big part of my world. He was my hero, playing bass and singing the way he did was such a huge inspiration. We made a lot of music together over the years, for which I'm eternally grateful. It was always something very special indeed to create with Chris, we seemed to always be on the same page with our ideas, Chris used to say to me "I guess it's because we are both Pisces, our music always has a watery sort of vibe to it" (I can hear his voice in my head as I write).

I went to visit with him (just before he fell ill) in Arizona, I got to spend time with him and his wonderful Family, we had an amazing dinner and many laughs together. Chris came to my hotel to record a bass track on a new record I'm making called "CITIZEN" and he nailed it in classic Squire style. 5 String in hand, playing great, with the amazing grin on his face. He was in the zone, little did I know at the time he was facing the battle that would eventually take him from us all.

1 week after I returned home from Arizona Chris phoned me and told me the worst news, he very bravely told me he had Leukemia. I feel apart, he remained strong and said he's got the fight in him and it's full steam ahead to battle it. A week or so goes by... Chris phoned me again, this time to say things had advanced to the point that touring in the near future was impossible for him. He began explaining that Yes had to continue for the fans and that while he had never missed a Yes show in 40 years this was one he would in fact have to sit out. Chris asked me at that point to step in and play with Yes while he dealt with his health issue. This was very difficult to hear... because I knew how heartbreaking it must have been for him to not be well enough to go out. I explained to him that because of my love for him and Yes music of course I would do it, but under the understanding that he would be returning to the band as soon as he had fully recovered. He agreed...

From that conversation forward we we're speaking on the phone about the various nuances of the music, bass parts etc... Just last week or so... he phone and for some reason the tone and tenor was different. It was as if he was the father telling his son a final farewell, cloaked in an upbeat voice and manner but never the less. This would be the final conversation we would have. My heart is broken for losing my friend, for his family's loss and the many many fans I know loved him

Chris said to me, "play the music, be yourself and make me proud". It's my true desire now live up to his wishes. He will forever live on in my heart and I will miss him terribly.
"We are truth made in heaven, we are glorious" (Anderson/Stolt 2016)


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Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von JJG »

"We are truth made in heaven, we are glorious" (Anderson/Stolt 2016)


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Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von Admiral »

Es lag ja leider im Bereich des Möglichen. Aber als die Europa-Tour 2016 angekündigt wurde, dachte ich, man geht von einer Rückkehr auf die Bühne aus. Dass das nächste, was ich höre, sein Tod ist, hat mich zunächst geschockt und wirkt unglaublich traurig nach. Plötzlich sehe ich, wie er letzte Jahr in Berlin nochmal dem Publikum winkte...Ich kann kaum beschreiben, wie leid mir das tut. Wie es jetzt mit Yes weitergeht... Diese Frage stellt sich für mich nicht. Diese Trauer braucht Zeit!

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Registriert: Mo 29. Nov 2010, 17:00

Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von fred »

Bin sehr traurig.

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Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von rowoma »

rowoma hat geschrieben: (im Speyrer Dom brennt morgen ein Kerzlein...)


... wurden ein paar mehr... (drei von den vielen)


Member Y
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Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von Member Y »

Wilson hat geschrieben:Ich finde nicht, dass das etwas mit Pietätlosigkeit zu tun hat. Für mich war Squire der Inbegriff von Yes, nicht nur, weil er als einziger Musiker an allen Alben beteiligt war, sondern auch, weil sein Bassspiel ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal der Musik von Yes war. Es hat sich ja über die Jahre gezeigt, dass auch Anderson, Wakeman oder Howe ersetzbar waren. Für mich sind Yes mit Squire gestorben. Das ist meine persönliche Empfindung und ich bitte das zu respektieren.
Nun, pietätlos finde ich es auch nicht. Andererseits kann ich JJG`s Beitrag nachvollziehen. Es geht in der nächsten Zeit erst einmal darum, mit dem Tod von Chris Squire angemessen umzugehen und die Trauer um ihn zuzulassen.
Darüber hinaus glaube ich nicht, daß es sich gezeigt hat, Jon Anderson und Rick Wakeman wären ersetzbar gewesen. Auch Steve Howe fehlte mit seinem typischen "Yes" - Gitarrensound.
Dies meine ich überhaupt nicht abwertend gegenüber den jeweiligen Nachfolgern bzw. Vertretern.

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Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von jomo »

Here's a recent quote ( Rolling Stone magazine) from Chris Squire on how he sees Yes continuing:

" The group has been around for 44 years now, and Squire sees no end in sight. "It's quite an odd thing that Jon Davison is the 18th member to come into the circus ring of Yes," he says. "In many ways I think about the possibility that there could still be a Yes in 100 or 200 years from now, just like a live symphony orchestra. I don't think I'll be in it unless there is an extraordinary medical breakthrough. Just think of the Los Angeles Philharmonic: the members change, but the band keeps the same name."

With White,Howe, Davidson, Downes and Sherwood, I really hope we are seeing the new incarnation of Yes. I love the idea that Yes will be the first band in Rock history that will not be confined by time or trends. A band that could continually re-create itself - ´to be an ever opening flower´- a band beyond parallels.

Yes have constantly challenged and created music, visuals, recoding techniques, art and musical directions that have gone beyond the boundaries of a normal ´4 or 5 piece band´. They are indefinable to the standard corporate rock and roll market - hence the HOF snub - and long, long may YES continue.

Perhaps `Yes`the band is bigger than Yes the people.
Perhaps they really are bigger than the sum of their parts.

I for one would be delighted with the idea of my son listening to a new incarnation of the band and getting just as much life changing joy from the music as I did when I was 11 and heard `Survival´for the first time and had to wait 4 weeks till their first album ´YES ´ was delivered to the little Scottish island I grew up on.
It was worth waiting every second.
That joy has lasted my lifetime.


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Registriert: Do 28. Mär 2013, 00:35

Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von olias1 »

Musik beschreibt für mich immer am besten wie ich mich fühle. So gibt es zu jedem Zeitpunkt ein Stück, einen Titel der mein Inneres in Form von Musik darzustellen vermag.

Als ich die Nachricht vom Ableben von Chris Squire las, dachte ich zunächst an die Konzerte welche ich mit ihm sah, dann an die Alben die ich von ihm bzw. mit ihm am Bass kenne. Ich habe mir, wie auch sicherlich viele von euch, ein "Album", ein "Best of Chris", zusammengestellt.

Dabei zeigte sich dass genau ein Titel meine Stimmung beschreibt wenn ich jetzt an Chris Squire denke.

Es ist der Hidden Track auf der "Tormato", der 18. Titel, auch als "Onward (Orchesteraufnahme)" bezeichnet.

Alles gute du "Fish Out Of Water".

Member Z
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Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von Member Z »

jomo hat geschrieben:Here's a recent quote ( Rolling Stone magazine) from Chris Squire on how he sees Yes continuing:

" The group has been around for 44 years now, and Squire sees no end in sight. "It's quite an odd thing that Jon Davison is the 18th member to come into the circus ring of Yes," he says. "In many ways I think about the possibility that there could still be a Yes in 100 or 200 years from now, just like a live symphony orchestra. I don't think I'll be in it unless there is an extraordinary medical breakthrough. Just think of the Los Angeles Philharmonic: the members change, but the band keeps the same name."

With White,Howe, Davidson, Downes and Sherwood, I really hope we are seeing the new incarnation of Yes. I love the idea that Yes will be the first band in Rock history that will not be confined by time or trends. A band that could continually re-create itself - ´to be an ever opening flower´- a band beyond parallels.

Yes have constantly challenged and created music, visuals, recoding techniques, art and musical directions that have gone beyond the boundaries of a normal ´4 or 5 piece band´. They are indefinable to the standard corporate rock and roll market - hence the HOF snub - and long, long may YES continue.

Perhaps `Yes`the band is bigger than Yes the people.
Perhaps they really are bigger than the sum of their parts.

I for one would be delighted with the idea of my son listening to a new incarnation of the band and getting just as much life changing joy from the music as I did when I was 11 and heard `Survival´for the first time and had to wait 4 weeks till their first album ´YES ´ was delivered to the little Scottish island I grew up on.
It was worth waiting every second.
That joy has lasted my lifetime.

Many Thanks Jomo,

man könnte es auch mit dem Yes-Titel "That That Is" ... beschreiben.

Es ist die Sichtweise, die auch ich des öfteren geäußert habe.
Es geht um die Einzigartigkeit der YES-Musik mit ihren enorm breiten Spektren völlig losgelöst von irgendwelchem überzogenen Personenkult. Mit letzterem meine nicht Bewunderungen für die Bandmitglieder, die es auch bei mir gibt und immer gegeben hat. Nochmals großen Dank für dieses denkwürdige Posting auch im krassen Gegensatz zu einer wie ich finde eiskalten technokratischen Sichtweise eine Users hier (nicht Du Snowie!) , dessen Intension sich mir wohl nie erschließen wird. Sein Posting ließ das Blut in den Adern gefrieren. Ich empfand es zu diesem frühen Zeitpunkt noch deutlich mehr als pietätlos - nur meine Meinung und Empfinden.

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Registriert: Sa 23. Sep 2006, 16:20

Re: R.I.P. Chris Squire

Beitrag von Fragile »

Sehr schön gemachtes Tribut-Video an Chris, unterlegt mit "Hold Out Your Hand". Es ist allerdings ein kurzer Werbespot abzuwarten.

[BBvideo 360,250][/BBvideo]
He's seen too much of life,
and there's no going back...

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